WP Rocket Grows From $0 to $35K in Monthly Revenue

WP Rocket Featured Image

WP Media, the company behind WordPress caching plugin WP Rocket, published a post that highlights how successful the plugin has been since launching a year and a half ago. When we wrote about the international launch of WP Rocket, we questioned whether it would be able to compete against all of the free, robust options available.

In a show of transparency, WP Media shares stats that indicate the plugin is doing well. Since launching a year and a half ago, WP Rocket has achieved the following milestones while being a 100% bootstrapped company:

  • $0 to $35 000 in monthly revenue
  • 0 to +15 000 websites using WP Rocket
  • 0 to +4300 customers.

Despite launching the product without a business plan, customers have shown they’re willing to buy a caching solution that’s simple to configure and use.

Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier, Co-founder of WP Rocket, says the move towards greater transparency is inspired by other companies that have revealed revenue numbers, recruitment strategies, and productivity tips.

We are really inspired by great companies like Buffer, Baremetrics and Mattermark where transparency is a company culture. They share it through several channels:

These companies have helped us greatly by sharing a lot of internal information including their monthly revenue, and more.

At the end of 2014, Easy Digital Downloads and WP Ninjas published year-end reviews that show how well each plugin has done. However, Matt Medeiros, of MattReport.com cautions, that while reading about the success of others can be motivational, it can also be depressing.

Entrepreneurs or small business owners that have been in the game month-after-month or 3 years in still struggling to make it. “Everyone is doing better shit than me.” or “Look at the money they are making! Why can’t I?”

The new social has amplified everyone else’s success while making yours seem insignificant.

I want to see as many companies as possible open up to their customers and readers by publishing revenue numbers and strategies that don’t work out as intended. Aside from knowing the numbers, I think a lot of people in the community would love to read about the struggles businesses are having and what they’re doing to overcome them.

WP Rocket is proving that, despite jumping into an established market, there’s enough room for new products to grow.



24 responses to “WP Rocket Grows From $0 to $35K in Monthly Revenue”

  1. WP Rocket is by far the best commercial cache plugin on the market. W3 Total Cache may be more robust, but many of the features are very difficult to implement and I’ve run into countless errors. To be fair, they are mostly due to configuration issues, but WP Rocket makes configuration so easy, I can set it up on a site in just 10 minutes with no errors or problems. It has a limited set of “options” but in my opinion, the right ones.

    If you’re a developer with the time to install and set up one or many free plugins that do what WP Rocket does, then that’s great, but for people who want something that “just works” and is well supported, this is the plugin that saves time and works beautifully.

  2. There’s one big thing to remember is how they price. it. 1 site is under 40 bucks and I picket up an unlimited for around $150 (I was a very early adopter). Renewing for a year will cost me (if memory serves) 30-40% of the annual cost.

    This combined with the fact that it just works and works well make it irresistible. They’re a great bunch of people as well.

  3. Be very careful with this plugin and developers.
    Once you bought never going to get a refund.
    You’ll have the same results as with WPSC or W3TC with the difference of $ 35 and down traffic in Google Analytics.
    After requesting a refund, they stop answer to pass 30 days.


  4. Hi Ricardo,
    Very sorry about this situation. Could you provide me your email I would be very happy to have a look.
    Regarding the 30 days refunds policy, only the initial request is important. So if you did a request during the 30 days, it’s ok, even if we answer days after, what we of course never do :)

    For Google Analytics, more than 32 000 websites are using today WP Rocket, we never had any feedback regarding that.
    Would be happy to have a look and helping you resolving this issue.

  5. Be careful with Wp Rocket! It has its own .haccess file but it blocks bots and gives 403 error! Thanks to this stupid plugin I’ve lost all my place on Google search results. I have removed their .htaccess and it returned to normal. This is unbelivable!

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