Organizing Team Explains Why Philadelphia Should Host WordCamp US

When organizing teams in different cities applied to host WordCamp US earlier this year, they provided a substantial amount of information through the application process. While Philadelphia will host the event in 2015 and 2016, their application is not public information.

Juliana Reyes, who writes for Philly, acquired and published a few of the responses from the organizing team’s application, specifically questions four, nine, ten, and eleven.

Question nine on the application asks, why do you think your city should host WordCamp US 2015? The organizing team responded:

Philadelphia is the birthplace of our nation. The United States started here, and so should WordCamp US.

We’re ideally situated on the East Coast between New York and Washington DC, and the halfway point between the West Coast and parts of Europe.

With a population of 1.5 million, it is the 5th largest city in North America, and is a cultural hub for all things food, music, art, and technology. It is well-known for its many excellent medical and educational facilities, including the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Drexel University, and the University of the Sciences.

With over 1,200 daily inbound and outbound flights, Philadelphia is easy to reach from anywhere in the world. The average hotel room and cost of living, is far below any other major East Coast city, and nowhere else has cheesesteaks like we do.

I’ve yet to visit Philadelphia but one thing I’ve learned is that residents take their reputation for cheesesteaks seriously. Be sure to read the post to see the team’s responses to the other three questions.



9 responses to “Organizing Team Explains Why Philadelphia Should Host WordCamp US”

  1. Personally I am happy that WordCamp is on the east coast. I get tired seeing all the conferences I want to go to happening on the west coast, at least from what I can tell most of the bigger one’s happen there. With that being said, alternative between each coast every year could benefit everyone, as we could simply travel to whichever one is closest to us at the time.

    • Well, Microsoft, and Silicon Valley is on the West Coast but there’s also a lot of conferences in Vegas. I agree with you though, it’s nice to have WordCamp US be on the east coast. Much easier flight for me too! I imagine at some point, WordCamp US will he held in a city in a central part of the country. I wouldn’t mind that either.

  2. I think Philly is a fabulous choice and we are trying to rework our December travel plans to make it to WCUS 2015. Still unlikely, but I’m optimistic.

    I’m still surprised more people don’t seem to share my incredulity that it’s going to be in the same city two years in a row.

    It’s crying of split milk at this point, as I don’t think anyone is going to change that and take 2016 away from Philly. At least as I understood the primary issue with WCSF was it being in the same west coast city ever year, what did we solve by moving it to Philly?

    WCEU manages to host in a new _country_ each year we certainly ought to be able to move WCUS between US cities every year. Heck we should have gone all in and included Canada and Mexico in the mix, for a proper WCNA. What makes it ok to exclude Canada and Mexico?

    To me the point of these big annual camps is to bring together the broadest regional community possible with the maximum diversity of ideas available.

    Milk still not going back in the bottle… /rant

    • WCUS is going to move every 2 years.

      Having it the same place two years in a row allows us to keep logistics a set variable and really focus on the rest of the event in the second year. I also want to use it to facilitate experience transfer: We’ll choose the 2017 + 2018 host city in between the first and second event, so that team can volunteer on the ground the second year Philadelphia hosts it to learn from their experience.


      At least as I understood the primary issue with WCSF was it being in the same west coast city ever year

      WCSF had to stay in SF – it would be kind of weird to have WordCamp San Francisco in Denver, or Tampa, right? :-p

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