WordPress 4.1.1 Released, Fixes 21 Bugs

WordPress 4.1.1 is available and fixes 21 bugs. According to Andrew Nacin who published the announcement, 4.1 was a smooth-sailing release and has been downloaded over 14 million times within the last two months. One of the bugs fixed is an issue where a tag and a category with the same name could get muddled and prevent each other from being updated.

WordPress 4.1 Download Count
WordPress 4.1 Download Count

Updates are slowly rolling out and if your site is configured to receive automatic updates, it should update within the next 72 hours. If not, visit Dashboard → Updates and click Update Now to manually trigger the update routine.

WordCamp San Francisco 2014 By Sheri Bigelow
WordCamp San Francisco 2014 By Sheri Bigelow

There are a handful of contributors to this release, but the one that sticks out is Kim Parsell. She helped fix an issue where an old image file needed to be removed from core. Reading the release notes and coming across Kim’s name generates a rush of emotions as I remember the events surrounding New Years day. For those who don’t know, Kim passed away earlier this year. In memory of Kim, The WordPress Foundation has created a traveling scholarship.

I think Nacin speaks for many when he says, “We miss you, Kim.”



27 responses to “WordPress 4.1.1 Released, Fixes 21 Bugs”

  1. I had a plugin to disable automatic updates. It was actice, I guess it didn’t work. All my sites got updated.

    I don’t like that. I like to be there when the updates are done, What if the update breaks my theme or has a conflict with a plugin?

    If I do the updates manually, and there is a conflict, I can change the plugin/theme or try to fix things.

    By the way, why up to 72 hours? Wasn’t it up to 24 hours last update or two ago?

  2. @Miroslav, I agree with you. I got three emails last night before I went to bed saying that my sites have been automatically updated, and I had the same thought as you: what if the update breaks my sites? I was not able to check any of my sites because it was too late, and I had to wait until now to check them. Fortunately, everything is fine.

    Then automatic update is too intrusive. It should wait for several days so the admin can have enough time to respond, if the admin does not do anything after certain days, then the update process kicks in.

    BTW, how do I disable the automatic update feature?

    • @Jeffrey – I had a plugin, apparently it did not work. I think there should be an option on the settings.

      Also, automatic upates can take money out of the community. Think about it. If you are doing the website of a local restaurant, whenever an update comes, the restaurant owner asks you to update the site…if it’s automatic, why pay you?

      • I find it a bit ridiculous that a consultant would charge to update a site when the update consists of nothing more than bug fixes. I think as a consultant, you should empower and educate your clients on how the update system works. Then, if they experience a problem after an update, that’s when they come find you and pay you to fix it, though those times should be rare.

        Also, Gabriel posted the code you add to your wp-config file which will disable auto updates all together.

        • Jeff,

          I am a very lucky human being that the “commercial” clients that I have tell me to just make their site(s) work, as long as they work, they don’t a flying F what I do.

          Now on the non-profit clients…they are causes I believe in and if their site(s) is broken, people can’t click that donate button.

          Most of the times I know of an update because of the WPTavern tweet mentioning the update.

          I had a site get broken because of a minor update, yes that site was the 0.0000001% chances. It was a site for a big charity fundraiser. The update came 24 hours before the fundraiser event.

    • > and I had the same thought as you: what if the update breaks my sites?

      The update system uses partial updates now. It isn’t updating the whole site, just the affected files. Then, if the update is unable to complete for whatever reason, a rollback is performed, undoing any changes made. Then it emails you about the failure to update.

  3. @Miroslav

    The automatic updates only apply to minor updates, so you can still “get paid” by updating a major update. But regardless, if you’re a developer you can disable them but the user or client can update their site themselves, so they can still “not pay you” if they wanted.

    You should be getting paid in any case because you either tell your clients that if they update on their own and something breaks then they have to pay you to fix it, or to pay ahead with something like a maintenance package where you just go in and take care of their site for them.

    We have disabled all the automatic updates for our clients and fortunately have not had any update by accident; I would double-check your plugin. We’re using an MU plugin that adds a filter to accomplish it.

  4. Define “broke” :)

    Updating to 4.0 would definitely have destroyed post-editing functionality for one of my then-client’s site, since they were at the time using the old Google Maps (which at the time created a conflict with the visual editor and adding images), and it took a long time for that plugin to be updated to deal with the conflict. That delay would have been unsatisfactory situation for that client, since they did a lot of content updates, and did them themselves with less than tech savvy folks.

    So while it’s true that particular conflict only affected a small number of sites, plus the fact that a list of conflicting plugins is maintained every time a new WP release comes out seems to suggest that things will break, and if they break during an auto update in the middle of the night with no one attending the site or monitoring the results, Bad Things Might Happen ™.

    Thus, no automatic updates for any sites for clients I do maintenance for, and not even on my own sites (except on testing platform sites).

    • Displaying the post author/date/etc is a function of the active theme. While it may be annoying to remove this manually from the theme, that is the recommended method – using the plugin you’ve linked to unnecessarily increases the number of stylesheets being loaded in order to hide the information from view – it’s still there in the source code.

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