WordCast Interviews Automattics Own Maya Desai

I love it when other podcasts interview employees of Automattic, especially ones I’ve never heard from before. WordCast Conversations, episode twelve features an interview with Maya Desai who is charge of operations for Automattic. She is also the one WordCamp organizers most likely talk to when it comes to planning an event or having Automattic employees show up. In the interview, we find out how she became an Automattic employee (it’s a funny story), what it was like to transition from a corporate environment to a virtual one, and some other experiences she’s had. One tidbit of information that I picked up in the interview is that the WordPress store will be moved and run in-house. No word yet if there will be any new products added to the store. I’m waiting on a hat or a long sleeve shirt.



6 responses to “WordCast Interviews Automattics Own Maya Desai”

  1. I adore Maya and it’s amazing how much she keeps a handle on all the things going on with Automattic, yet, she gets so little attention. She deserves a ton of applause as Matt and his team would have a hard time without her.

    And WordCamps around the world also owe her big as she has held their hand through all the various stages of event planning and development. She’s one of my WordPress heroines!


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