New Home For bbPress Development Chatter

Gautam who is a member of the WPTavern forum recently let us know that he has setup a bbPress Developers area for bbPress developers to chat about developments in the software similar to how WordPress has one. If you are a member of the WPTavern forums and are also one of the few who decided to help regenerate the bbPress project, send him a private message with your email address and he will add you as a member to the blog.

When asked whether the site was endorsed by Matt or considered official, Gautam responded that Matt doesn’t really know about the site just yet. I imagine he will now.

While we are on the topic of bbPress, might as well provide an update as to what’s been going on. As far as I can tell, there has not been a developer chat since January 13th, 2010 and a few other people have noticed this as well. The bbPress forums are still pretty active. In fact, many people are now asking support questions regarding bbPress with BuddyPress.

There is a thread in the tavern forum specifically regarding the off and on activity process surrounding the bbPress project. In this thread, I asked two individuals that initially showed quite a bit of interest in helping to regenerate the project why their activity has faded.

Jeffro – Considering you two were part of the rally to get things back on track for the project, are you both still interested in helping out? Are you guys waiting on direction on what to do and where to go from Matt?

Ryan Hellyer – I wanted to help, but it seemed that after the first IRC meeting or so it was looking like the project was going to just stagnate again, so I haven’t taken much notice since.

Justin Tadlock – Same here. I’ve even went so far as to code my own mini-forum using WP’s custom post types and taxonomies. It’s actually not too difficult. But, I lost the code on a recent computer crash. I might revisit the idea though.

Hopefully at some point, bbPress gets the ball rolling on a consistent basis. Perhaps that will happen once bbPress is turned into a WordPress plugin.


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