2nd North East Ohio Meetup A Success

The second North East Ohio Meetup which took place on Thursday, May 28th was a success. We had a total of six attendees with three of those being new faces. Thanks to Jeff Lees efforts on Facebook, we at least got the word out about this particular event. Now that we have two of them under our belts, we can use the momentum to get more people to show up.

During this event, I gave a guided tour of the cool new toys that would be included in WordPress 2.8. I covered the new widget interface as well as the ability to install themes from the administration side of WordPress. For my first presentation, it wasn’t bad. I streamed the meetup which included my presentation on Ustream but thanks to a browser crash, I lost half of the show. Thankfully, I got the other half of the event on Ustream which you can view here. Warning it’s about 2 hours long heh.

Here are two photos of the event featuring our attendees!

Talking WordPress In Ohio The Group WordPress Crunching

The next meetup has already been scheduled. You can find information regarding the next event and also specify whether you’ll be able to join us or not by visiting the following link.



3 responses to “2nd North East Ohio Meetup A Success”

  1. Would have loved to go but unfortunetly being on the other side of the world restricted me :).
    I have watched about 1.5 hours of it and have really enjoyed it. Please keep me updated and continue recording it on ustream


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