Would You Like To Hear An Interview With Anil Dash?

This past weekend at WordCamp New York, I had the unexpected opportunity to meet and greet Anil Dash, founder of Six Apart the creators of MovableType. While some may wonder why I would bring an Automattic competitor onto a show about WordPress, I think Anil Dash has a lot to offer outside of blogging. If I were to bring him on the show, I’d discuss the WordPress products that his company offers. I’d also like to talk a bit about Web 2.0, the importance of data portability, some of the lessons learned throughout the lifespan of MovableType and of course, any questions you would submit to me through the forum. Before I setup a date to have Anil on the show, I just want to hear your thoughts.

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8 responses to “Would You Like To Hear An Interview With Anil Dash?”

  1. Anil has, in the past, been quite a dick on the subject of wordPress.

    I guess anyone who has been around blogging long enough is able to offer interesting insights but I would take any views he has to offer on the current state of play with a pinch of salt – I don’t wish to be mean but his judgement in the past has been pretty disastrous, including giving away his company’s lead in blogging software. MovableType would be worth a huge amount today if Anil hadn’t tried to cash in too early. He literally handed the market to WordPress.

    So, this is not a guy who gets it, and we already have a few morons in the WordPress community who, for their own selfish reasons, are spreading FUD about the GPL. I would worry that Jeffro is too nice an interviewer and will let false assertions go unchallenged. It’s going to be just ridiculous if this guy launches into a full-scale criticism of a company who, unlike him, understood the long-term value of their community.

    Then again, if he has been speaking at Wordcamps I guess he must have some genuine interest in WordPress, beyond it’s role as his competitor and the topics Jeffro suggests do sound interesting.

  2. Glad to see such interest in the idea! It was great to meet you, Jeff, and hopefully folks can understand that, just like software, some humans are able to be improved and have their bugs fixed over time by a community. I hope I can be judged by the present, as Benjamin has done, as opposed to the past, as I suspect we’ve all made mistakes or had our actions misinterpreted at some point over the years.


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