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donnacha | WordSkill

Anil has, in the past, been quite a dick on the subject of wordPress.

I guess anyone who has been around blogging long enough is able to offer interesting insights but I would take any views he has to offer on the current state of play with a pinch of salt – I don’t wish to be mean but his judgement in the past has been pretty disastrous, including giving away his company’s lead in blogging software. MovableType would be worth a huge amount today if Anil hadn’t tried to cash in too early. He literally handed the market to WordPress.

So, this is not a guy who gets it, and we already have a few morons in the WordPress community who, for their own selfish reasons, are spreading FUD about the GPL. I would worry that Jeffro is too nice an interviewer and will let false assertions go unchallenged. It’s going to be just ridiculous if this guy launches into a full-scale criticism of a company who, unlike him, understood the long-term value of their community.

Then again, if he has been speaking at Wordcamps I guess he must have some genuine interest in WordPress, beyond it’s role as his competitor and the topics Jeffro suggests do sound interesting.


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