WordPress By Example: A Search Engine for WordPress Themes

WordPress By Example LogoA few days ago, we mentioned an article by WPShout.com that explained how to find live examples of WordPress powered sites using themes. Today, I wanted to share a new site that’s been launched called WordPress by Example. It’s a WordPress specific search engine designed to showcase sites using themes related to search terms such as photography, or weddings.

Developed by Joris Van den Bogaert, WordPress by Example has three different ways you can search. Organic, Premium WordPress Themes, and Free WordPress Themes. Just like any other search engine, this one works via keywords. In this example, I used the keyword of weddings with the organic search option.

Organic Search Results From WP By Example

While some of the results were relevant, displaying modified themes catering to weddings, other results were not as relevant. When you click on any of the results, a larger image is displayed with a link at the bottom that takes you to a page with more information about that result. The additional information shown includes what theme is being used on the site, information about the site, and the source of the theme. Within the right sidebar, there are buttons to buy the theme, visit the actual website, or view a demo of the theme in use on the site. As you might have guessed, the buy button is an affiliate link.

A Nice Alternative To The Typical WordPress Theme Search Engine

There are now hundreds of themes that are released for WordPress everyday. Most have a price tag while others are free. With all of the various WordPress themes available in so many different places, a cottage industry has developed trying to organize and index all of them. Examples include QualiThemes, ThemeSorter, and Yellow Themes. None of these theme finders show sites actually using the theme.

While I like the idea behind WordPress by Example, I couldn’t help but notice the number of websites that were butchered beyond recognition. This is why I think it’s better for a theme company to put together site showcases that really show off what the theme is capable of. If nothing else, this search engine shows why good web designers are still needed. Apparently, there are not enough to go around.

Give the site a try and tell me your thoughts in the comments.



3 responses to “WordPress By Example: A Search Engine for WordPress Themes”

  1. Jeff, what do you look for in a site that specializes in highlighting WordPress themes?

    I’m currently putting together a site to help people find Genesis child themes, focusing mainly on themes other than the StudioPress, and since I’m still putting it together, adding content, customizing the look, I’m open to suggestions on making it more useful to end users.

    Documentation and guides on customizing child themes has been a suggestion that’s come up a few times, so I’m working on that, too.

  2. @EDM Assassin – StudioPress has a showcase of websites that were built with their child themes and with 3rd party child themes they sell in what used to be their marketplace. I’m not even sure how you get sites listed in that showcase anymore… I’ve submitted 3-4 sites to it over the past 2-3 years, and have never had a site get listed.

    They don’t have a comprehensive listing or catalog of Genesis child themes by other developers or good ones that are on other marketplaces like Theme Forest or Mojo Themes.

    One site I’ve seen with something similar is the Themes Directory at wplift.com, but they list all sorts of themes from other frameworks and standalones, too.

    I wanted to build something that was only Genesis focused, and it was a discussion in the StudioPress forums that led me to start putting together genesisthemesguide.com. Now I just have to keep adding more Genesis child themes other that SP options, and work on gathering or writing documentation for some of them.

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