Reasons Not To Upgrade WordPress

I love the concept behind this list. WordCamp Orange County organizer and WordPress developer Brandon Dover has compiled a list featuring some of the craziest excuses he’s heard for not upgrading WordPress. However, the list also includes reasons that have been submitted by readers. As of this writing, there are 23 reasons listed. My favorites so far are 5, 6, 15, and 20. Keep in mind when reading the list that the page is a joke and while some of the reasons are certainly legitimate, others such as My mom told me not to are clearly not. The list certainly got me to laugh out loud a few times.

I hacked core and didn’t submit a patch. *GASP*

I like feeling vulnerable.

I’ve been living under a rock.

I don’t want to be a cool kid.

Maybe at some point, Brandon can find a catchy domain related to this joke and make a simple page that randomly shows a reason not to upgrade WordPress complete with a form that takes user submissions.



13 responses to “Reasons Not To Upgrade WordPress”

  1. Actually, if someone chooses to modify core, then not upgrading is perfectly reasonable. (It may or may not be wise, depending on the ability of that person to maintain future bugfixes/patches/etc. – but that is another matter.)

    Given that a core component of free software philosophy is the freedom of the user to modify the software to suit his purposes, knowingly “hacking core” should not be given such a negative connotation.

  2. @Jeffro

    But it’s just bad practice to make modifications like that as it ruins the upgrade path.

    But that’s the point, isn’t it? Not everyone wants to maintain the upgrade path. They intentionally fork, in essence, to make WordPress suit their purposes.

    Granted, such users are a minuscule subset of the WordPress userbase. But they do exist. One such member even participates – or, used to – in the Tavern Forum.

  3. While, for the average user, it’s a very good idea to allow WordPress auto-updates let’s not forget that WordPress is an open source system that is specifically licensed to encourage innovation. It’s customisable out of the box but there’s no such thing as “one-size-fits-all” with websites. What suits one site’s content may be completely wrong for another site so forking WordPress makes sense for those users.

    Tens of thousands of WordPress users are happy to install it and make their sites and content needs fit into what WordPress provides. Others take WP as a starting point then hack the core to give them what they need. Both are equally valid and neither should be subjected to ridicule for their choices.

  4. Reason #1: The new dashboard is three steps backward in aesthetic design.
    Reason #2: The default fonts are harder to read than previous versions.
    Reason #3: There are too many different fonts.
    Reason #4: WP3.2 doesn’t handle graphics consistently (some load, some do not, then do, then don’t–no rhyme, no reason, no pattern. Limited to smaller files generally–like the WP logo on the log-in page, or dashboard left menu icons).
    Reason #5: I do not like having to click twice to log out of Google; I like it even less in WordPress.
    Reason #6: The more I use WP3.2 the more I hate the look of the dashboard.
    Reason #7: Red is the wrong color for update count noticing. If you didn’t notice black, you shouldn’t be an administrator.
    Reason #8: For those who already selectively updated, the new update process brings little to the table.
    Reason #9: The black admin bar was a good option as original issued. Expanding its function(s) seems to be headed toward redundancy.
    There maybe more reasons, but this blogging (written off the top of the head) not a research presentation.

    Only have 4 sites running WP3.2 (out of approximately 200). In a hoping/holding pattern…

    If changes to WP are for security or ease of use, great. Otherwise, there is never an “about time to change the control panel (dashboard)” if the current one is clean, effective, working and pleasing to the eye (WP3.1). Adding an additional dashboard color option other than grey (default) and blue (my fav) would have been well received (light green, for example, to please all the eco-heads).

    The Dover list didn’t even rise to the level of humor.

  5. This thread could get fun quickly.

    Chip’s right of course regarding innovation and I am sure there are people who do support their own installation using modified core files. If you want to learn or scratch your own itch then go at it.

    But from a support standpoint it’s a horrible idea. Given that (while not always straight forward and easy) WordPress is extendable via plugins, theme functions.php, etc. modifying the core files also means you are swimming in the deep end of the pool alone and by yourself.

  6. @Jan Dembowski – “modifying the core files also means you are swimming in the deep end of the pool alone and by yourself” is not necessarily true. If you are prepared to study the code and know a bit about development and security it’s easy to have the best of both worlds. Running your own svn and keeping track of changes, adding the code you want (particularly any security hardening the team includes) is a bit of work but its arguably less work than rolling your own blogging platform/CMS from scratch.

    I sure wouldn’t recommend this for everyone but its a perfectly valid reason for not updating carte blanche with WP’s auto update and a great use of open source software.

  7. @Jan Dembowski

    Please don’t misunderstand: I think that for the vast majority of the WordPress user base, keeping core updated is the correct approach. I don’t take any particular issue with having a little fun at the expense of the typically nonsensical excuses for failing to update.

    My point (which probably applies to a minuscule fraction of the overall WordPress user base) was just that I don’t think we should be casting a negative light on those who knowingly choose to modify WordPress, nor should we be casting a negative light on those people if they fail to submit patches for those changes, because doing so is contrary to the free software principles that WordPress so ardently espouses. We should instead celebrate that free software is serving its intended purpose.

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