Easily Add Buttons, Boxes, and Columns To Content With These 3 WordPress Plugins

While browsing the ThemeHybrid support forums, I came across an individual who shared a project he was working on called WP-Editor. While the plugin is not called WP-Editor, there are three plugins that make up the project that enhance the visual editor of WordPress. They are:

  1. WP Editor Boxes Add-on
  2. WP Editor Buttons Add-on
  3. WP Editor Columns Add-on

WP Editor Boxes

This plugin contains four different styles of boxes that can be applied around content to be used as visual cues. The styles displayed in the following screenshot are Notes, Alert, Error, and Download. The colors match up well with their intended meaning. To apply a box style, highlight the content within the visual editor and select the box style from the dropdown menu. You can use the text editor but you’ll need to know the class names that make up the box style.

WP Editor Download Boxes

WP Editor Buttons

This plugin has five different button styles. White, Black, Red, Green, and Blue. Creating a button is as simple as highlighting the text that will be linked and applying a button style using the dropdown menu. This is the easiest way I’ve discovered to add a button to a post short of using an image.

WP Editor Buttons

WP Editor Columns

Instead of using CSS tricks or class names that are difficult to remember, Editor Columns provides up to four different ways to display columns. You can display 1/2 by 1/2, 1/3 by 2/3, 2/3 by 1/3, or 1/3 by 1/3 by 1/3. Using columns is easy but sometimes I found myself screwing up the content and having to start over. I think this would go away after using the plugin for an extensive period of time.

WP Editor Columns


Although you can use the text editor, these plugins are to be used primarily within the visual editor. In fact, you won’t see any of the drop down menus when the text editor is being used. However, if you know the class names by memory or have them in a document, you can use those instead.

Despite the WP Editor project being a work in progress, I found the three plugins that are currently available easy to use without needing a manual to get me started. While many themes provide the same functionality through the use of shortcodes, if a user were to switch themes, those styles would disappear. By using a plugin to add these visual elements, users are safe to switch themes without losing the look of their styled content. These plugins are a solid way to easily add visual punch to otherwise boring text.



15 responses to “Easily Add Buttons, Boxes, and Columns To Content With These 3 WordPress Plugins”

  1. This is the same epiphany I had a few days ago while migrating from WooThemes Canvas to Twenty Fourteen.

    I’m going back and editing articles with bulleted lists that used theme inclusive bullets, tabs etc. Painstaking but lesson learned. I’ll keep it to Plugins going forward.

  2. Thank you for the writing about wp-editor.com Jeff,
    I really appreciate it.

    I’ll try to improve the plugin and make it better.
    maybe add several other plugin for “tabs” and “toggles”.
    i’m not sure it’s possible yet, but i’m sure it’ll be interesting to try to write one on weekend.

    the best part of using wp-editor add-on is everything is saved in revision history,
    which is awesome.
    and of course there’s always CTRL+Z if anything goes wrong :)

    i hope it could solve a lot of problem in writing content.
    it solved mine:

  3. This plugin is not available on WP.org plugin directory yet. In my opinion, it is not okay to install such plugins which are not verified yet. I don’t know either this plugin is available on WP.com directory, Is it? Jeff, Don’t you think it can be harmful? Who knows the secrets!

    • Well Abdul, I’m the one who wrote this plugin.
      It takes a lot of effort to write this plugin it is sad to hear something like this about wp-editor add-on plugins.

      I even add automatic update feature in the plugin,
      using my other plugin http://autohosted.com
      so if there’s new improvement or bug fixes user can quickly update it.

      About hosting it to wordpress.org, i might never will.
      I’m still considering that option. But it’s personal decisions.
      it’s the beauty of open source universe.

      And do you know that all “premium” or “paid” plugin is not available on wp.org? Are they all bad?
      Well, I hope not.

      If I make this plugins premium/paid would you trust this more?

      But, I understand your concern.
      And you don’t need to install this plugin if you don’t need it. It’s 100% optional.

      But please, don’t think that all plugins not hosted at wp.org is bad. because It’s not true.

      • Dear David,

        I can understand your feelings. Many bad things happened to me too, but I had no intention to hurt you. Your constructive comments and email boosted my professionalism. I respect you from core of heart, and wish your plugin great success. I have intention to design my own WP theme as well. :)

        I believe that all plugins outside wp.org directory are also good.

        You asked, “If you make this plugin premium/paid would I trust more”? My immediate answer is, “yes”. Because, it is fundamental human psyche to believe more on difficult/expensive one. Right now, I am preparing my own functionality plugin (for you quite easier), but good to start for me. I’m not in WP business. It’s not my profession, but I want to experience it. I really didn’t mean to hurt you.

        Warm Hug!

  4. I don’t really have any interest in the buttons or boxes (so thanks for separating them out), but the columns add-on is fantastic!

    We make sites for very very low-tech clients and we’ve had lots of trouble finding a way for them to have more complex layouts. Tables are a huge mess, and very buggy in WordPress, and column shortcodes aren’t easy for regular people to get their head around. Being able to created columns so simply in in the visual editor is a big deal for us.

    The only issue I’ve notice so far is that copying and pasting into a column can go kind of funny sometimes. I’ve noticed that sometimes when pasting into a column it would get pasted outside it. I also tried copying text from a half column in one set of columns and pasting to the left column of a 1/3 – 2/3 set. When I pasted it ended up pasting into the 2nd column, rather than the one I was pasting into. I could see this being a TinyMCE issue though.

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