WPShout Is Accepting Submissions for Its 2016 Web Hosting Survey

WPShout Webhosting Survey Featured Image
photo credit: hfabulouscc

It’s that time of year again where WPShout is asking WordPress users far and wide to fill out its web hosting survey. The survey is not tied to any affiliate programs and serves as one of the few impartial resources where you can expect honest reviews from customers. The survey collects the following information:

  1. Average satisfaction
  2. Value
  3. Reliability
  4. Speed
  5. Support
  6. Median site count
  7. Usability
  8. WordPress compatibility

The survey is open until the end of the year and results will be published in January 2016. In 2014, only 159 people filled out the survey. If you have a few minutes to spare, please take the survey and help spread the word.



3 responses to “WPShout Is Accepting Submissions for Its 2016 Web Hosting Survey”

  1. By far the best WP Hosting provider out there is tigertech.net

    They really are the unsung heroes of hosting and, I’m going to give them a shout-out on this survey. They have saved my bacon time after time again and, I owe them a proper review.

    I also owe Marcy Diaz of Amethyst Website Design (amethystwebsitedesign.com) a big, “Thank you!” for recommending them several years ago.

    Thanks Jeff for letting us all know – appreciate it!

    • Ok, but I hope the results of the survey are about more than just what individuals consider their favorite. So many people know only 1 web host but swear it’s the best of the best.

  2. Hey, you have a typo on this site. You say “webosting survey” instead of “web hosting survey.” Thought you’d want to know :)


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