WordPress 2.7 User Guide In PDF

Dave Coveney of Spectacu.la announced on the Tavern forums that they have released their WordPress 2.7 user guide. The user guide covers everything from getting started with WordPress to using the Visual editor to managing users. The downloadable guide is 56 pages in length and is in PDF format so make sure you have a PDF reader installed before you try to open the file. However, Spectacu.la club members are able to download the PDF and the final Word document which would come in handy if you’d like to print this out.


The only complaint I have with the guide is that the images contained within have a low resolution to properly make out various parts of the WordPress 2.7 backend. You’ll be able to read them but not without squinting and rubbing your eyes. Other than that, this is a Spectacu.la guide that should be stored in your resources bin!



One response to “WordPress 2.7 User Guide In PDF”

  1. Thanks Jeffro for giving this some attention.

    I appreciate what you’re saying about image quality, but with so many of them it’s hard to keep down the download size and consequent bandwidth costs.

    I hope people enjoy it, and constructive feedback will, of course, be very welcome!


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