Synergy Project Still Swinging

The WP Synergy Project formerly known as the Gorilla Theme Project that I told you about back on April 27th is still going. According to a blog post by project creator Jeeremie, the project is steadily gaining steam. Since April, the project gained a new name which I’m very happy to have had a hand in, a new logo, project management and all sorts of other goodies. The infrastructure of the open project is as follows:


If I were not so darn busy, I would be participating more in this project as I think it’s really cool what those guys are doing. WP Synergy is currently working on a theme called PigNews which I’ve been anxiously waiting to see released for quite some time now. Based on the screenshots, this is one of the few themes that I have seen present a lot of content while not overdoing it and still providing breathing room for other elements on the site.

Help Them Out:

The Synergy guys need your help if you can afford your expertise or time.

If you are a designer or developer, there’s many way to be involved in this project. As a designer, we need you to create stunning themes, design mascots, logos, icons… As a developer, we need you to enhance our themes with options page, add AJAX effects, configure servers, develop our Options theme Framework… and we need everyone to spread the word (on twitter, Facebook, on your blog…) to move this project forward and take it to the next level.

I believe I’ve helped out a bit with this blog post!



3 responses to “Synergy Project Still Swinging”

  1. Cheers for helping get the word out Jeffro, much appreciated.

    The one thing we’re struggling with is time – so things are happening, but just not at the rate we’d like. The more people that can lend their skills, the lighter the load becomes for me and Jeremie and the quicker we can get these themes out the door :)

    Incidently, we’re hoping to have the PigNews beta out soon (how soon is dependent on time constraints) so if anyone willing to lend a bit of their time helping with testing, follow us on twitter (@wpsynergy) or subscribe to our RSS ( and you’ll be the first to know about it when its released.

    And sorry about the shameless plug ;)

  2. […] Synergy Project Still Swinging Feel like starting WordPress theme development? Feel like you would not be able to do it alone? WP Synergy (previously name Gorilla project) wants to build a large community of WordPress designers and developers. For what? Their website say it all: * collaborate together to build FREE Premium WordPress themes. * maintain and upgrade the themes to the latest WordPress version. * fix bugs. * make the themes cross browser and cross OS platform compatible. * offer support to users (forum). * write tutorials. * create a theme framework to speed up themes development. * write an extensive documentation (Wiki) for WordPress developers willing to create a theme for Wp Synergy. […]


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