Special Backup Buddy Coupon For Tavern Readers

One of the downfalls of the recent Backup Buddy giveaway I held after my review of the plugin is that some people decided to play their luck in obtaining a free copy instead of purchasing out right using the special launch day coupon that gave buyers 10% off. I’m really happy to announce that I’ve been granted a special coupon code that is good until Midnight of March 13th that will save you 10% off any membership of the Backup Buddy Plugin. The coupon code is TAVERN10. Oh, and if you decide to take advantage of this 10% opportunity, do so through this link as I’ll receive a small amount from your purchase. In my opinion, the prices for Backup Buddy are already very affordable so saving an additional 10% is just icing on the cake.



6 responses to “Special Backup Buddy Coupon For Tavern Readers”

  1. Great job on fixing a new coupon code! I have been waiting for “migrating-functionaity” like this for a while and went ahead and bought a licence on launch day.

    Now if I only could get it to work. ;) It tells me that may backup-file is invalid no matter what I try. Guess I need to contact support.

  2. @ kcristiano

    I’ve passed this on to Cory. Hopefully we’ll get it figured out soon.

    @ Fredelig

    Have you posted this on the support forum for BackupBuddy yet? Dustin and I are working on a new version which should address some of the issues people are experiencing on different server setups. Hopefully this update will fix your issue as well.

  3. @kcristiano
    As a current member, it’s rejecting you because your name is already in the system. You would need to login to your member area first and then purchase.
    But if you want to use the affiliate link, just create a new username and use a different email address so it thinks you’re a “new” member.

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