Piklist Launches Beta Program Ahead of Commercial Product Releases


Earlier this year, the Piklist rapid development framework for WordPress rebranded with its 0.9.0 release and the team announced plans to launch commercial products. The framework is used by many developers to speed up tasks such as creating fields for settings pages, registering custom post types and custom taxonomies, adding post-to-post relationships and much more.

The core Piklist framework is free and open source and will always remain so. Its developers are working on supporting it with commercial extensions, a business model that has proved to be largely successful in the WordPress community. With the version 1.0 release right around the corner, the commercial products are now in beta and ready for testing.

Piklist developers are currently accepting beta signups for the Piklist Toolbox and Piklist Fields and Forms. The Toolbox plugin allows you to easily manage post types, taxonomies, and advanced settings:

The Piklist Fields and Forms plugin allow you to edit and add fields to metaboxes with the ease of a point-and-click UI:

The framework’s development team is convinced that Piklist is to WordPress what Rails is to Ruby. They plan to release a family of plugins and support packages will help fund the future of the framework. These plugins will work together, connecting and enhancing various aspects of the framework. If you are a WordPress developer who depends on Piklist to make your life easier, consider signing up for the beta testing programs. Beta testers will have access to pre-release versions and will play a significant role in shaping products in the pipeline.


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