New Upvato Service Offers Free Backups for Envato Market Products

If you’ve ever purchased files from Envato, chances are that you have them backed up locally or sent to a cloud storage service like Dropbox. Upvato is a new alternative that specializes in Envato Market files. The free service allows Envato customers to back up their purchased files. Upvato takes a complete backup of the screenshots, descriptions, titles, and author information. In the event that an item is removed from Envato, customers who have uploaded their files to Upvato have a complete backup.

Freddy Lundekvam, owner of Norway-based Logik Web Studios, said that he was inspired to create Upvato after losing purchased files due to the fact that Envato “does not guarantee ongoing availability of items after the initial download.”

“I’m a heavy user of Themeforest,” Lundekvam said. “I’m a full time programmer who doesn’t know much about design, and I’m especially a huge fan of the admin templates and own 15+ of them. In total, amongst all the marketplaces I’ve bought quite a few items. Having purchased many files, I quickly learned about Envato’s right to take down and remove any file at their or the author’s sole discretion without any warning. I personally have lost 10 files because of this policy, and I find it quite annoying to lose files.”

Lundekvam used to back up his files to Dropbox but found it frustrating to sort through his library without much information and no way to look them up after they disappeared from Envato. He teamed up with a colleague who is a designer and created Upvato as a solution to this problem. In addition to storing the file you purchased, Upvato also stores the screenshots, file descriptions, comments, and includes versioning – allowing you access to any version that has been uploaded.


Users can back up an unlimited number of files and there’s no limit on the file size. Upvato creators are also committed to keeping the service free, according to the statement on their website:

Upvato is and will always be a completely free service. We strongly believe that this is something that should be a part of Envato from day one and don’t agree with their policies.

The service uses the Envato API to allow users to back up all of their files automatically. Files can also be uploaded manually into your Upvato account.

Envato’s Response to the New Upvato Backup Service

While Envato does not officially endorse Upvato, the company encourages users to find a backup solution. Venessa Paech, Envato PR Manager, gave WP Tavern the following statement:

Envato buyers use a variety of methods for managing their purchases. Whatever service they use, whether Dropbox or a service like Upvato, we always encourage people to back up their digital assets.

Envato Market is an active marketplace with thousands of sellers and millions of items. While we offer a downloads section on every account, our focus is less on post-purchase asset management, and more on discovering and purchasing wonderful digital goods that solve creative challenges.

Essentially, after the purchase has been made, Envato doesn’t find any conflict in users choosing Upvato as a backup solution. The company is unlikely to change its policy about not guaranteeing files indefinitely, as it needs to account for all kinds of circumstances including copyright complaints and technical problems. Upvato’s free backup solution may reduce the number of Envato customers who are negatively impacted when files are removed without notice.

“Storage Space is Cheap” and Upvato Doesn’t Plan to Monetize

I asked Lundekvam how he’s funding the enormous amount of space required to store files for Envato customers. “Storage space is cheap these days – hosting 10 TB of data in an Amazon Glacier is merely $7 a month,” he said. “But I also take benefit from the automated uploads.

“If you connect your Envato account and back up the item, then only one file for that item will be used for all users who have the same file (Verified purchased with Envato). Every time you try to download a backup of the file from Envato, we check if the exact same file already exists amongst the items available files. If it does, it’s not stored. Instead, you use the same file that already exist in the system,” Lundekvam said.

Despite having created a service that solves a real problem for potentially thousands of customers, Lundekvam said he’s not seeking a revenue model to fund his efforts. For now, the site exists to solve a problem he encountered that also affects many other Envato customers. Monetization isn’t a priority for him at this time.

“Currently that’s not the plan,” he said. “Running such a site isn’t all that expensive. For now, we just wanted to make something cool and useful that people might want and need.”



19 responses to “New Upvato Service Offers Free Backups for Envato Market Products”

  1. If they managed to develop on their own this solution, then this team is not in the race to collect for free templates.

    people that are able to develop custom solutions have bigger earnings from custom development then from cheap template based websites.

    and an html template for a custom admin system is a few bucks.

    who doesn’t likes the initiative is just envy on what people like Freddy Lundekvam are able to do.

    from me, lots of congrats to Logik Web Studios. you proved just where you stand from the most.

      • I didn’t realize the new required paid support thing meant we also couldn’t get the latest updates! Is that true? That could be a complete game changer for me regarding my use of Envato! I can understand charging for continued support… but to stop supplying updates to long time customers suddenly ? — that’s too far in my opinion. I bought the majority of my resources on Envato prior to the new support policies that were put into place. I’ve accepted the support thing.. But didn’t know updates would stop after 6 months. Wow, I’ll definitely be checking into that!

      • @Madalin Ignisca Like @Deb then i wasn’t aware that this is the case.

        Are you sure you just no longer get support, ergo, your not able to contact them, but also no longer get access to any new updates?

        I have to agree with @Deb, such action would be a gamechanger for my future purchases on Envato.

  2. I’d say Freddy Lundekvam & his designer have done quite enough to earn whatever “free” envato purchases they may have access to by providing this service to the massive Envato marketplace.

    The only problem with this solution (for a designer anyway) is that though there may be an unlimited space for backups of purchases, the backups will obviously be of the latest updated version of the product.

    That’s the worst thing about losing stuff on Envato. I had my first experience of losing a rather expensive investment I’d made in the premium WordPress theme “EWA” by Freevision. The cost of the theme (approx $60USD) wasn’t the worst part though.

    It was the weeks and weeks – months even – of mastering & perfecting the steep learning curve the theme had. Also, approx. 3/4 of my clients’ websites were all built using this theme.

    Most of them were not happy when I had to tell them about the situation & that (though I wouldn’t charge them for the update) I highly recommended they allow me to redesign their sites using an alternative theme.

    As EWA was extremely reliant on its own built in infrastructure in order to properly work, it wasn’t a simple “change themes” & click “go” situation.

    In my case, I more or less had to start over from scratch – which, from a client’s perspective didn’t make sense (they just saw it as “my site is live and looks great! Why fix somethin’ that ain’t broke!”) … Additionally, most of them didn’t understand the concept of themes, the varying degrees of theme-dependent features, or what all goes into customizing (even pre-built themes) to suit their specific needs… In other words, as far as they were concerned, it appeared to theme that there actually *was* a “change theme and click go” solution.

    So this left me with several problems ….

    – angry, frustrated, clients who either didn’t understand or refused to try and understand the problem & why it must be fixed

    -the loss in income due to not feeling like it would be ethical of me to charge my clients for the changes as they hadn’t asked for anything new

    -the massive loss in time, energy, blood sweat & tears that went into my mastering the theme

    There are other issues but those were the big ones. The sudden disappearance of my go-to-theme from Envato had a pretty profound (negative) effect on my web business.

    I did learn some valuable lessons from the experience though.. So it wasn’t a complete loss.. What were those lessons?

    – If a pre-built theme is so complicated that it has a learning curve that takes up months of a designer’s time (an experienced WordPress designer at that), don’t use the theme! It’s simply not worth the risk & the theme is more than likely overly bloated with built in features you won’t ever used … But that severely slow down site speed nonetheless.

    -Take the time to learn a variety of themes & certainly don’t rely solely or very close to solely just one theme for all or most of your clients – even if the theme is versatile enough to design completely different sites (and EWA was!) …. If the theme disappears and updates are no longer absilable, it’s a fact – an inevitability – eventually the theme will become a huge risk factor for security issues.. And over time, features & sections will begin to break… Ultimately rendering any site using it – more or less useless.

    So back to the original topic in discussion here (at least with themes/addons/plugins), while this free solution sounds wonderful, the thing it doesn’t provide (and it would be ridiculous to ask for such a feature) is continual security and compatibility updates to resources that have vanished from Envato.

    On the other hand, with purchases such as PS actions, LR presets, stock photos, vectors, royalty free music, various print templates, etc., Upvato could prove to be an invaluable asset for heavy Envato users.

    I keep regular backups of everything I have anyway, but it would be wonderful to have an Envato-specific cloud backup solution for the hundreds of items I’ve purchased pver the years.

    Sorry for the long post; this is just a topic that had a profound effect on my own business. So it’s a topic I tend to ramble on and on about!

    Ideally, I need to just do what needs to be done and learn more in depth developing skills so that I can rub my business more effectively.

    With the ever-evolving and lightning fast changing and growth of all-things-web, though, it makes it quite difficult to achieve such a thing.

    I feel like as soon as I finally mastered (for example) JavaScript and went on to learning the latest php or CSS languages (or whatever else), I’d look back & see that all of my newly mastered Java knowledge had been completely revamped to stay up with current web trends, sending me into an infinite loop of frustration… not to mention the inevitable hit I’d take on my business due to lack of constant attention to my clients.

    I don’t know what the solution is other than to find a developer I can trust to partner up with to run my business … But even with that solution, it would require a considerable investment.

    And if you’re like most freelancers (it seems), especially designers – you’re doing very well just to pay the bills as it is.

    Am I living the dream by working for myself and running a web design business? Absolutely! It’s where my heart is… my passion….

    But it’s not all roses & butterflies either. Sometimes I wish I’d never gone full-time-web; there are times – a lot of times 1 – when I’ve found myself dreading a design project – something I NEVER seemed possible – but when you’re inundated with work and equally need every dime of revenue generated just to put food on the table? It just takes the joy of design right out of the equation.

    I’ll step off my rant pedestal now; sorry if I hijacked this thread too much. Feel free to remove it if you’d like.

    I do appreciate what Upvato is offering a lot and think it could be an amazing asset to have available for a whole lot or people. So thanks for that; I, for one appreciate it a lot and have no issue at all with the owners of the service having full access to my extensive Envato library in return.

    • Hello,

      Thanks for your extremely long post :) Appreciate the feedback and the life-story ;)

      Upvato can’t offer updates or compatibility fixes or bug fixes on items that are no longer available on Envato but on Upvato. That’s just wrong in so many ways, not to mention a HUGE job for me as a programmer :P

      Tho, Upvato do have a “Version history”. It doesn’t just give you the latest file, it let’s you choose from any single file that you’ve previously uploaded. Just clicking the “Download” button results in the newest file, clicking the button below saying “Previous versions” will give you a nice detailed popup with all your file versions :)

    • Deb,

      If you’re inundated with work and yet struggling to generate sufficient revenue, you just aren’t charging enough. (And I speak as a potential customer.)

      If you’re that good, you should reflect that value appropriately in the prices you charge.

    • That’s why is best to build your own “Skeleton” theme that can be versatile enough to cover your needs :). I’ve been on your path and I think I was as frustrated as you are in the moment. That’s why at the moment I only work with Envato WordPress Themes if the customer wants it explicitly.

      Otherwise I need to spend unnecessary time cleaning themes such as Avada, X and etc. from all the clutter with which they come. So much unnecessary things, so many unnecessary libraries, only packed to cover hundreds if not thousands cases…

  3. Hi all.

    I can see that the last post on this thread is from January 2016. Not long after Upvato launched.

    It’s October 20th.
    Upvato has been down for at least three days.

    Afaict, I haven’t received a notification from them about cessation of service. I haven’t seen any discussion of the outage on any of my social channels.

    Did upvato just roll over and die without anyone noticing?

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