It’s alive!

Okay I have reviewed all the applications, and invited seven people to participate in a $25/hr trial contract where they will have full access to the site, and can post and participate however they like, they just need to log their hours. After a two-week trial, we’ll decide which two will receive full-time Audrey Capital employment offers, and will set up some fair and transparent system for freelancers to contribute to the site as well.

Thank you to everyone who applied, even if you are not one of the seven that made it to this next stage.



26 responses to “It’s alive!”

  1. Looking forward to this new era, and collaborating with you all in the days and weeks to come.

  2. Thanks, Matt, for keeping WordPress Tavern alive. I look forward to inspiring articles about WordPress, plugin reviews and community updates. Keep up the great work!

  3. Fantastic! I look forward to the new articles. WP tavern has always been one of my favorite channels to stay up to speed with what’s going on in WordPress. I wish all candidates good luck!

  4. I think you should also identify other contributors and websites that offer a public good for the WordPress community. Different styles and forms of content will appeal to a more diverse audience.

  5. I’m very glad to see the Tavern coming back. I am a regular visitor of the Site and the Tavern is my primary Source for WordPress-News. Good luck to all new Contributors!

  6. Excellent news! Let’s see how a new wave of article goes. I’ll be waiting for the upcoming articles.


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