HeroPress Fails to Attract Backers, Cancels Kickstarter Campaign Ahead of Deadline


Topher DeRosia, creator of HeroPress, announced today that he is canceling the project’s Kickstarter campaign. During the past few weeks, the project attracted 33 backers who pledged $21,855 of the $60,000 AUD goal. When it became clear that the fundraiser was hopelessly behind on reaching its goal, DeRosia canceled the funding three days ahead of its deadline.

The Kickstarter contributors were great. The verbal and public support of people were wonderful. And lastly the naysayers were welcome and useful. With very few exceptions our detractors enhanced what we were doing, and I appreciate it.

HeroPress encountered no small amount of resistance from those who either didn’t support the concept or didn’t appreciate the approach. The project’s mission was to “develop the WordPress heroes of the world by sharing the accumulated wisdom of the community.” HeroPress’ communication strategy failed to communicate the mission of the project and struggled to identify practical goals, apart from creating videos to inspire community members.

DeRosia attempted to further clarify the mission of the project through short interviews with potential speakers and supporters. Unfortunately, the video updates didn’t adequately represent the quality of videos that the HeroPress creator hoped to deliver on his $60,000 AUD budget for the project.

“Our plan at this point is to huddle and make a new plan and give it another shot,” DeRosia said. “We’ve learned an enormous amount about our audience, their needs, and our capabilities.” He plans to continue HeroPress with a new, more cost-effective approach that will better address the needs the project was created to solve.



13 responses to “HeroPress Fails to Attract Backers, Cancels Kickstarter Campaign Ahead of Deadline”

      • Jeff & company already do it.

        Tavern is owned (and funded I presume) by Matt Mullenweg.

        While I think that discussion of crowdfunded budget is fair shot, I find statements about someone “not needing” money distasteful and unpleasantly common in WordPress.

        We all need money. We all need to eat, roof over our heads, and to have other basic needs covered before we can even consider going out and doing things for the community for free.

        When you tell people they “don’t need” money what they hear is that they are not welcome unless they provide free work to WordPress. There are a lot of people around that won’t participate for this exact reason alone. It is one of those very challenges HeroPress tries to cover in its periphery theme.

        Hero Press would of been a “clone” of Wptavern.com and other similar sites.

        Tavern had always been pretty centered on mainline WordPress project. It seems like the center of the world for plenty of people. For others it’s meaningless buzz about things “over there”.

        Tavern does a good job at project and related news, but it has never had much interest or impact on periphery (in my opinion and from where I stand).

      • Jeff & company already do it.

        I love the Tavern and have been coming here since it’s doors were opened, but HeroPress was trying to do the exact opposite of what the Tavern does.

        The Tavern generally writes for the mainstream WordPress community. HeroPress isn’t trying to reach that audience at all. Instead, they are trying to reach the people on the very edges of the community (people who aren’t going to migrate over to the mainstream) and then encourage them to become part of the mainstream. That’s not part of the Tavern’s mission.

  1. This is such a tough break, for any individual crowd-funding something they feel passionately about. It takes guts to put something out there and ask money for.

    In the end, crowd-funding is a sure fire way to test the waters, and validate a business idea before diving in head first.

    I wish these guys the best.

    • crowd funding and kick-starter, is a perfect way to generate income and get your idea paid for. Its a farce as are most kick-starter projects. As Captain Sensible said ‘Life’s a Con’
      All charitable movements are really just employment creators and wage makers.. but they only do charity to make sure there is no profit left after paying all the advertising and executives.. thats what makes one company that puts the food on all its employees tables a commercial enterprise, or a ‘non profit’ – non profit doesn’t mean you don’t get paid.. it just means no extra left over money is saved.
      They should fund their own ideas, as do all people who work on their own merits. I would prefer to donate to a beggar kid in the Philippines than donate to some cool web forum project that has well paid people in it anyway

  2. I don’t understand why there are people who seem to be really against this project.

    I’m hoping it’s just that they haven’t taken the time to understand it properly. The other alternative seems to be that they are threatened by the potential influx of people from different cultures (and gender) into their nice comfortable community. I hope it’s not that!

    • I’m with you Stephen. To be indifferent to such a project due to one’s own lack of interest or (more likely) a misunderstanding of the concept is understandable. But to take a critical stance against HeroPress just confuses me. Topher and company were seeking to make a major investment in segments of the community that are underrepresented and for the life of me I can’t comprehend why this would bother anyone.

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