CLI Cheat Sheet: A Beginner’s Resource for Using the Command Line


CLI Cheat Sheet is a handy new resource for any WordPress developer who is just getting started with the command line. This week on the Dradcast, Brad Williams linked to the cheat sheet, which the folks at WebDevStudios put together for their team. They decided to share the resource with the community.

The repository is broken down into several files, separated by command type, including:

  • General Command Line (CLI) basics
  • Git Commands
  • Grunt Commands
  • Server Commands
  • Moderate/Advanced Commands

The basic commands document covers the very basics, such as changing directories and opening files. A section for more moderate/advanced commands is prefaced with a friendly notation: “The somewhat scary crevices of the command line.”

The team at WebDevStudios plans to continue building out the cheat sheet and will be adding more commands into the repo as they are using them and remember them. If you want to share a few commands that every beginner ought to know, feel free to contribute on GitHub.

Make sure to star the CLI Cheat Sheet repo for easy reference and check back periodically for more commands. If you’re just starting with the command line, this is a nice resource to help you grasp the basics and get your footing.


3 responses to “CLI Cheat Sheet: A Beginner’s Resource for Using the Command Line”

  1. In my opinion, I don’t think anyone is a true developer until they learn CLI. I spend around half my day in (and some of my colleagues don’t use anything but) CLI, specifically vim. I would really like to see this resource expanded. Do you know if they are accepting pull requests?


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