The Return Of WordPress Weekly

WordPress Weekly LogoBeginning this Friday at 9P.M. Eastern, I’ll be back behind the microphone providing you with the news of the week around the WordPress ecosystem. I’ll also be interviewing some of the smartest people in the WordPress community that are making things happen. Unlike the previous episodes which were all conducted on, these will be recorded live via Google Hangout. I’m not so much interested in the video portion of the show as I am the audio. I’ve reconfigured the Podcast page so that folks can chat and listen/watch the show on the website. Thanks to using Google Hangout, the audio quality should be better for everyone participating on the show. I decoded to use the embeddable IRC client via Freenode to power the chatroom as it gives users the chance to use their favorite client, is not powered by flash, and updates in real-time. The only downside is the captcha on the form which I can’t do anything about but I haven’t come across any images that were impossible to read.

This weeks episode will feature an interview with the folks behind WordPress hosting company Flywheel. We’ll talk about their beta process, what is it they are trying to accomplish and how their service is different from the large amount of competition that already exists in the managed WP hosting market. If you have any questions you’d like me to ask, just leave them in the comments and I’ll add them to my list.

One thing I’m still unsure of is how I’m going to continue using the iTunes feed that was hooked up to Talkshoe or if I should start a brand new one from scratch. I need to find out if I can upload MP3 files to a specific iTunes link without needing the file to go through Talkshoe. I may end up using the Blubrry PowerPress plugin to automate the process of sending the podcast to iTunes.

Next Friday there will not be a live show as I’ll be in Grand Rapids, Michigan for WordCamp. However, I’m already lining up guests for August 30th and beyond. I’m looking forward to talking WordPress again.



14 responses to “The Return Of WordPress Weekly”

  1. I have a question for the show:

    You undoubtedly realize that a good part of getting to market is going to be convincing people to try you out over larger, established players. What made you stick with it and go for it anyway, and what kind of strategies do you have in mind to share?

  2. I have a 2-parter to ask: What do they estimate the market to be for premium WP hosting, both in terms of number of accounts and dollar value, and what do they estimate that to be in 5 and 10 years? To follow that up, what do they see driving that growth specifically, if any, and how did they arrive at their numbers?

  3. That is some great news, Jeff! I’ll be sure to tune in.

    Secondly, I have a python/PHP script which downloads all my youtube videos, stores them on my server and creates an RSS feed with proper media enclosures. Let me know if that sounds like something you would be interested in.

  4. Excited to be on the show, thanks for having me Jeff! Already some great questions here in the comments, can’t wait to chat about them. Keep the questions coming! Also if anyone wants the fast-track to the Flywheel Beta, email me directly at dusty [at] and I’ll hook you up!

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