Getting Rid Of Distractions

I’ve recently had to deal with the reoccurring issue of having games installed on the same PC I use to do work. Kristen Nicole has a good article on that provides some tips on how bloggers can be more efficient when it comes to writing from home. I write most of the content for this website from home, on my desktop PC. Unfortunately, games such as Battlefield 2142, QuakeLive, etc are also installed on the same computer. These games are pretty fun to play and I’ve already wasted a few workdays this year playing games instead of writing content. So the other day, I’ve finally realized that I’m not responsible enough to work on the same PC that has my favorite games installed on it so, I removed the games. A drastic move but one I had to make so that I am not even tempted to launch the game instead of type away at the keyboard. So far, it’s worked. I’d like to build myself a computer that is for recreational use but I don’t have the space or the money yet.

Now I need to find a way to ban myself from YouTubes related video section and I’ll be super efficient! Just kidding of course.



6 responses to “Getting Rid Of Distractions”

  1. Remove the games??? Wow. I installed RescueTime to see what I spent my time on. I was disappointed the first few weeks with how much I goofed off but now even with the video game time I’m happy to say I get things done. Of course without the RescueTime police I’d still be wasting time.

  2. Or you could get a Mac…the game problem fixes itself (for the most part) immediately… :)

    Though lately, I’ve found that I’m more productive when I’m on my laptop…it takes away all the “toys” I have on my desktop machine…it also moves me out of the living room, where my desktop machine (and the tv, Wii, PopcornHour, etc) lives.

  3. I have RescueTime installed. It does a good job of tracking how efficient I’m being which is good for me, but it also has a feature that lets you block unproductive sites (like YouTube). Never tried that feature, so I’m not sure how effective it is, but it’s probably worth a try.

    Having games and work on the same machine is an issue for me as well. Unfortunately I only have one Windows machine, so for now I don’t have much of an option, but once I get a desktop PC I’ll probably install my games on it and use my laptop for productive stuff.


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