Donate To Plugin Developers Day – March 1st

Vsellis who is a member of the WordPress community has put together a movement which he hopes will catch on. He is declaring that on March 1st, everyone should make a $5.00 donation to their favorite plugin or plugin-author. If you participate in this event, be sure to send out a tweet with the hash tag #WPPDD. Something like this ought to suffice, “I just donated to insert plugin name” #wppdd“. Vsellis has pledged $100 that will go to 20 different plugin developers.

It wasn’t long ago when something like this was happening on a weekly basis. In fact, it was called Donate Friday. I was heavily involved with promoting this effort. I noticed that quite a few others joined me every Friday to donate some cash to a different plugin author. After it was all said and done, I must have donated $50-$80 total. Unfortunately, I came on hard times around Halloween 2009 so I was unable to keep the donation streak going. I also noticed that others seem to quit donating as well.

Hoping this catches on as I’ll be monitoring the hash tag. I have some money available for donations so as long as I remember, a few plugin authors will get a treat on March 1st.



9 responses to “Donate To Plugin Developers Day – March 1st”

  1. Hello,
    I’d be interested to know what you and your readers consider the ten best plug ins. The one’s you would donate to if you could. While most of the action on this site appears to be devs and designers, I am, alas, a mere user, and would benefit from the collective expertise of you and your readers,

    If you already posted such a list, per chance post it again or provide a link. But a non-tech person could benefit from knowing what you all think is essential in the land of plug ins. I’ve donated to devs in the past, and have no aversion to doing so again. People with valuable skills should be compensated, thinks me.
    Semper Pax, Dr. Z


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