WordPress Dev Chat For 5-20-10

wordpresslogoGeneral RC Readiness
RC readiness could be better. However, a big punt is needed but 3.0 is now under 100 tickets. The blockers are under control. Menus are looking good now that the IE issues are fixed. The rest of the menu tickets are trivial and if needed, can be punted. JohnONolan will be submitting a few UI patches for other stuff and Jane will be going through a final walk through this weekend to see if there is any UX that was missed. The list of remaining tickets for WordPress 3.0 can be found here. The patches that are in Has Patch/Needs Testing, needs testing. If anyone could help out on that, it would be appreciated.

It looks like the importers that are bundled with WordPress will be ripped out and turned into a core plugin with the exception of the WordPress one. The WordPress importer plugin can be found here.

Shrinking of WordPress. In order to have WordPress 3.0 avoid tripping memory limits on shared hosts, certain items are being lifted from the core. The importers are one of those items. TinyMCE.js is also on the slate to be removed. Removing stuff form WordPress is just a stop gap measure to the original problem so that WordPress 3.0 will not be delayed any further.

RC1 looks set to be released by the end of next week or sooner.

Meeting Time
Taken off list to figure out timezones etc.

Update On WordPress Tests
Peter Westwood stated that as far as wordpress-tests is concerned – they exist, I use them, I’m trying to keep them up-to-date and I will have them running automatically when it is worth doing – too many failures at the moment which need reviewing. If people want to play with them they are in svn here: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-tests/

How To Participate:

If you want to suggest a topic to be discussed at the next meeting, you can by visiting the WordPress development updates blog. If you would like to participate in the chat next week, install IRC or an IRC compatible client and connect to the following IRC server.

chat.freenode.net or any random server on the Freenode network and then join this channel at 4:30PM Eastern time or 20:30 UTC Thursdays. #wordpress-dev.



3 responses to “WordPress Dev Chat For 5-20-10”

  1. Thanks for the write up! I really appreceate it, was out for dinner (so much for the time-zones), but I really hope this is at least some-how pushed out very soon.

    There are a lot of changes with 3.0 and we just need to go through this release. Even if it might be a not well made one, let’s look for the things to come.

    p.s.: thanks for all the nice features you offer with comments like the preview and zoom-up :D. This helps especially _after_ being out with friends.


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