WordPress 6.3 Development Kicks Off to Conclude Gutenberg Phase 2

The WordPress 6.3 development cycle has begun and work is already underway on an ambitious list of features that will debut in the upcoming major release. It will cap off Phase 2 of the Gutenberg project, with an emphasis on polishing customization features and making them easier to use.

WordPress 6.3 Editor Triage co-lead Anne McCarthy published a roadmap to 6.3 this week, which summarizes what users can expect:

This release aims to make it easier for users to edit pages, manage navigation, and adjust styles all directly in the Site Editor. It also seeks to provide detailed, relevant information when exploring different parts of the site, such as showing the number of posts per page when viewing relevant blog templates.

In addition to polishing and wrapping up phase 2, McCarthy’s post outlines the new features that are coming. Here are a few of the highlights:

This is a tentative glimpse at some of the user-facing features that may be coming in WordPress 6.3, but the roadmap includes many more items, screenshots, and quick demos.

“As always, what’s shared here is being actively pursued, but doesn’t necessarily mean each will make it into the final release of WordPress 6.3,” McCarthy said.

Gutenberg Lead Architect Matías Ventura will be leading WordPress 6.3. Beta 1 is expected in a little more than a month on June 27, 2023, with RC 1 on July 18, and the general release scheduled for August 8.



14 responses to “WordPress 6.3 Development Kicks Off to Conclude Gutenberg Phase 2”

  1. Has the issue with 6.2.1 and shortcodes been resolved? If not, why are we thinking about 6.3? Or was the end of shortcodes intentional and just not communicated well? I have a plug-in that I am afraid to update because of the “not tested with 6.2.1” message, and would like to be able to update that confidently before even thinking about 6.3.
    Yes, I am a slow-to-adopt amateur—but I don’t think I am alone.

  2. Is there no push for more responsive controls?
    It’s a major missing element for me, the inability to look at a preview and scale up and down and set the font sizes, padding, margins etc. of blocks and families of blocks.

    There are other big things missing but that’s one which still keeps me away from Gutenberg as any kind of page layout tool. I don’t really want to be tinkering in a JSON file just to set a margin on a bunch of blocks when the page is narrower than 800px for example.

    Which is a whole other topic. the Theme.json problem.

    There was a suggestion that Gutenberg was going to make layouts easier, with less scripting, but anyone who has tried to wrangle a huge nested JSON file knows it’s now a lot more painful than it used to be!!

  3. I still would never leave my clients with a Gutenberg interface on their website. It’s way too complex for them to use and messy to look at. I generally use WP Bakery, which most of them can wrap their head around. It’s clean and organized. I try to put any standard format into a custom post type. Less fields = better for them.

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