WordPress 4.9.8 to Introduce “Try Gutenberg” Callout

Paul Biron and Joshua Wold are leading the upcoming WordPress 4.9.8 release, which was originally announced as 4.9.7. WordPress core contributors met yesterday to decide the general focus and set the release schedule. In the meantime, the 4.9.7 security and maintenance release was rolled out to fix an authenticated arbitrary file deletion vulnerability, along with a few other minor updates.

WordPress 4.9.8 is targeted for July 31, 2018, with a beta as early as July 17. The release will focus on introducing the “Try Gutenberg” callout and adding privacy fixes and enhancements. The ticket proposing the callout was opened a year ago and was planned to be included in WordPress 4.9.5 but was eventually pulled before the release in favor of allowing Gutenberg contributors to iron out a few important issues.

WordPress Core Committer Mel Choyce added the most recent round of designs to the ticket four weeks ago and contributors are still iterating on the design and text for the callout. Another iteration is expected to be added to the ticket early next week.

WordPress 4.9.8 is another step in Matt Mullenweg’s roadmap for getting Gutenberg into 5.0. The goal is to make more users aware of Gutenberg and to gather more testing and feedback before the new editor lands in core. The prompt will include a prominent button that users can click to install the Gutenberg plugin, along with links for where to learn more and how to report issues.



22 responses to “WordPress 4.9.8 to Introduce “Try Gutenberg” Callout”

  1. This should be great news, but I decided to use Gutenberg on a friend’s very simple site a few days ago and hit nothing but errors. “This block has crashed” (or whatever the phrasing of the message is) it has failed/ is unrecoverable / something.

    The content of the page and whatever was being edited (text, gallery, etc) was regularly replaced with a grey “crashed block” error box. In that case there is no remedial action activated, presented, or apparent in the error box and process. Fortunately I know about post revisions and where to find them – and so was able to (regularly) reclaim the uncorrupted post versions. This seems bad to me.

    What was I doing? I was entering galleries and basic text and headers on a brand new empty site. The theme was a simple well known cutdown framework and the only othe plugin was Woocommerce. Gutenberg crashed a block and I had to revert to a revision somewhere around 3 times within ten minutes. It was very infuriating.

    Now, whats my aptitude level? Reasonably adept, as I write plugins for WP and I’ve been working with WP CPTs, API and CLI for many years. I’m up to date with eveything Gutenberg and I’ve followed and contributed (words) on the repo since Gutenberg was first announced. Regarding the WP editing experience and of editing posts I’m “an expert” compared to a general or new user.

    What’s my stance on Gutenberg? Am I a “hater”?
    I desperately want Gutenberg to succeed because of my vested interests in supplying easy intuitive solutions to my clients.

    So, if my experience was profoundly negative due to the crashing and instability I’m very interested to see how general users respond. My suspicion is that the outcome will be bafflement and disappointment.

    I wish these issues had been resolved before laying it in front of the general public as a finished product to try. You only get one chance to make that vital first impression. I hope the plugin becomes more stable before eventual release.

    I will of course try to document these issues on github when I get chance.

    • Steve can you open an issue on the Gutenberg GitHub with that as well as any screenshots or additional info you can provide? It’d be great to get these kinds of issues out of the way ASAP, those working on it need as much feedback as possible, especially with bugs or instability

  2. Hi,

    Is there any known issues with WordPress latest update? When I make a page, it presents itself as a post. The edit page goes away and it essentially now is a post. If I change the permalinks to “Plain”, it fixes it and everything goes back to normal but as soon as I try to set the permalinks to anything but plain, it breaks it again. I’ve looked all over the interweb and I can’t figure it out.

    Have you heard of this issue by chance? Any help would be insanely appreciated. :)


  3. You refer to Gutenberg as “the new editor” but as I understand it, it’s a lot more than that–effectively a structural change that affects how plugins work and a way of streamlining how the whole system works at the back end in order to speed content delivery to the public facing pages. All of which sounds very good and necessary in terms of where the Internet as a whole is going.

    BUT…. I run a site that uses a lot of customized content types, all very carefully done with respect to WP best practices, core compatibility-wise. But having tested Gutenberg via the plugin version I know we are quite incompatible with it. Guess I’ll be making use of that other plugin I’ve seen–the one that lets you turn Gutenberg off.

    • There is! You can deactivate the Gutenberg plugin if you’re running pre-5.0, and you can install the classic editor plugin if you want to stay on the classic editor and use 5.0+

      Additionally, it will fall back to the classic editor if a post type doesn’t support Gutenberg

    • Nope, releases take time, and there’s a process with release candidates and feature freezes that would need to be done for a 5.0 release as has been done for others.

      You can follow along in Slack and on the Make blogs, and hop into the weekly chats where the release lead and other devs get to raise issues and have their say

  4. Great news, but when I decided to use Gutenberg on simple site it showed error. “This block has crashed”
    My experience is negative due to the crashing and instability I’m very interested to see how general users respond.
    Let me see if I can take out time from my EverydayHealth, EverydayLife schedule and document this issue.

  5. For agencies supporting many sites, whose users have no way of knowing whether Gutenberg will break their site or not, this nag screen is a danger. Pre-emptively installing classic editor unfortunately won’t suppress the nag notice either, but since classic editor is being used as a bellwether of the success of Gutenberg, it’s important that you install it, if you expect issues.

    I co-wrote a plugin that solves the issue. If you install Classic Editor and Classic Editor Addon, the nag screen will be suppressed, and when 5.0 releases, Gutenberg will be automatically suppressed as well.

    • Thanks Greg, that is a useful plugin. I have some 50 or more websites build for clients in the past, build with custom themes and plugins. Probably most of them will break if/once Gutenberg is introduced. Those clients for the most part will not be able or don’t want to pay a developer to rebuild/fix their website. The best thing I can offer is make sure their websites work as they are as long as possible, without Gutenberg.

  6. Gutenberg at least for 4.9.8 and I presume 5.0 once its folded into WP core but I’m not sure on that, will be opt in. You can, if you’re site isn’t ready for Gutenberg choose to opt out and carry on using the Classic Editor.

    But I guess resistance is futile, this is the direction WordPress is heading and over time blocks will be the way you handle any aspect of customising you’re WordPress site, room the sub-heading to the background-colour of your Footer.

    • I just hope all the plugin and theme developers out there have ensured their products work with it before its WP core merged release.

      This is somewhat wishful thinking. It won’t happen that way in my opinion. Most plugin and theme developers I know of still wait and see what happens. “Gutenberg” isn’t even in feature freeze mode yet…! Most developers will wait for a beta version of WP 5.0.0 and then see what they can do.

      But: We still will see numerous plugins and themes not compatible when 5.0 launches! At best this would be a transition process taking months, at least. Also, a lot of plugins won’t see compatibility at all as it would mean start from scratch and not every hobbyist or small (plugin/theme) business will have the resources for this I guess.

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