WordCamp Europe Publishes Schedule for Upcoming Event in Porto

WordCamp Europe published its schedule today, to the delight of prospective attendees around the world. The three-day event will take place June 2-4, and will feature 29 talks, 18 workshops, and two panels spanning 11 different categories.

The two conference days have general themes, with Day 1 dedicated to “WordPress Now” and Day 2 to “The Future of WordPress.” A sample of the selected sessions include building block themes, accessibility for dyslexia, creating paid newsletter subscriptions, enhancing performance, and how headless WordPress benefits enterprises. The two panel topics are “Acquisitions in WordPress” and “Building Community through Meetups.”

Juliette Reinders Folmer, maintainer of the WordPress Coding Standards Sniffs for PHPCS, commented on Twitter about the notable lack of backend dev topics and how it’s difficult to “justify the (not insignificant) expenses involved just for the hallway track.”

“Seeing this schedule makes me very much doubt whether to bother going,” Reinders Folmer said. “A number of interesting talks for sure, but the lack of any significant back-end dev talks, makes me feel decidedly unwelcome and makes me doubt people like me are even part of the target community.”

While many of the workshops are more technical, they are mostly geared towards theme developers. Others in the Twitter discussion noted that WCEU has been moving more towards non-tech topics over the past few years and other major WordCamps like WCUS have also been part of this trend. They speculated about whether it’s because the organizers didn’t receive enough technical talks, whether the session reviewers do not represent a diverse array of skill sets, or whether this is a purposeful move to promote non-tech topics with fewer and fewer PHP-focused talks.

WordCamp Europe has scheduled built-in networking times before and after official start and end times, during sessions, and during lunchtime. Those who plan to attend the workshops will need to register for them during the event, as there are a limited number of spaces. Registration is free but attendees must have a ticket to WCEU before registering. An after party is scheduled for Saturday at the conclusion of the event. 



4 responses to “WordCamp Europe Publishes Schedule for Upcoming Event in Porto”

  1. “Others in the Twitter discussion noted that WCEU has been moving more towards non-tech topics over the past few years and other major WordCamps like WCUS have also been part of this trend.”

    It’s not just WordCamps, but in general, WordPress has become unwelcoming (if not hostile) to PHP/backend devs within the last few years. All WP blogs out there are mostly covering Gutenberg stuff right now. If I need to get info about more advanced topics I have to resort to StackOverflow.

  2. I see there is no option for streaming.

    I find it so funny how WC organizers (both Central and every WC around the world) has this allergic reaction to have live streaming for a conference on a piece of internet technology.

    The excuse about organizers all being volunteers and so forth. I am sure some of the money from sponsors or anyone else could be use for live streaming.

    The European Union has around 447 million people and all of Europe 746 1/2 million people. Not 1 of them can sponsor the live streaming?

    I remember when I was volunteering for WCTO years ago…I think it was WC Central that sent us a bunch of cameras, then WCTO organizers just sent them back and apparently WC Central sent them to the next WC.
    I loved it. I worked in television in the past. I love working with cameras.

    Obviously WC organizers can’t ask their volunteers to rent out cameras or provide their own.

    Maybe 2-3 cameras sets could be bought for WCs in Canada. Hamilton/Toronto/Ottawa/Montreal and I think Halifax. I can’t remember right now if there ever was a WC west of Ontario.

    At the end of every conference day, someone would download the video files from the memory cards and leave the camera batteries charging for next day. This for multi-day WordCamps.

    The recording in memory cards part was for WordPress TV. I have no idea if you can send a live recording to WPTV.

    Using Youtube, TwitchTV or similar sites is possible.

  3. Maybe, following the idea suggested by Carl Alexander in his tweet, create another WordCamp, so there would be two, e.g. WordCamp General which would basically be the one we have now, and WordCamp Tech for the tech savvy people behind all the magic. Organize one event like this and observe the response, see if there is a lot of interest or just isolated cases that simply know how to draw attention online.

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