Sponsor Me To WordCamp Detroit

I always enjoy attending WordCamps that are close to home. On October 9th and 10th, 2010 WordCamp Detroit will be in full effect and I’d like to be there. Attending WordCamps is pretty expensive if you don’t live in the local area and attend a few of them each year. That’s why I am beginning to ask for sponsorships. Benefits include me wearing your company branded schwag, having all content generated from the event branded with your company name. This includes text, video and audio content. If you send me a shirt or a stack of business cards to hand out and give away, I’ll do that as well.

WPTavern.com has an international audience, just like the WordPress software with an average of 60,70K pageviews per month. When I attended WordCamp Raleigh, I came back with one special podcast along with 8 videos. These videos are embeddable which means brand exposure will most likely not be limited to only being seen on WPTavern. The sponsorship money will cover travel, hotel room, and ticket to the event. Since Detroit is pretty close for me, I’m planning on driving.

I am asking for $350.00 in sponsorship money, preferably from only one company. If interested, please get in touch with me via my contact form.




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