Matt Mullenweg Named Son Of Gutenberg

This is the first time I’ve seen anyone refer to Matt as the son of Gutenberg but it seems like a good fit. The Big Money takes a look at how WordPress has been able to democratize publishing and how the software has been able to change the way people publish the written word. For anyone wanting to know an overview of how Automattic makes their money, it shapes up to be 40% upgrades, and the remaining 60% is split between enterprise services and ads. It’s great to see that even after seven years, Matt is still on a mission.

“If we can democratize publishing,” Mullenweg says with his idealism firmly in front, “if we can make these communication mechanisms just completely effortless and ubiquitous, the world becomes a better place, and that’s very motivating for everyone.”

Out of curiosity, I wonder how many people in the WPTavern audience publish content on one or more blogs consistently? If so, what is your motivation?



3 responses to “Matt Mullenweg Named Son Of Gutenberg”

  1. I’m not sure Gutenberg is the right analogy. Matt didn’t invent WYSIWYG content management or even the notion of web based blogging software. He had a significant role in popularizing it, and certainly WordPress has continuously raised the “ease” bar, and become a leading platform. The latter – popularizing – is arguably of equal importance: Apple didn’t invent the smartphone, but it sure as heck popularized it. I just don’t think it should be conflated with invention.

  2. I publish regularly on two blogs, and I’m getting ready to start a third. The first blog, (Never Ending Voyage, is to talk about what it’s like trying to be a permanent traveller and work on the road and I guess our motivation is to inspire other people who would like to travel or become location independent to do that.

    My second one is my online portfolio where I develop WordPress Sites and my motivation for that one is, quite simply, to generate work. I’m hoping that, over time, I can use it to demonstrate my knowledge and skills and, between that and my portfolio, convince people that I’m worth hiring!

    I created my own blogging software for our first trip three years ago and it was fine, but when I discovered WordPress, it really changed our approach. It allowed us a lot more flexibility to publish the content that we wanted to publish in the way that we wanted to publish it.



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