Looking For A New Co-Host

Unfortunately, the time has come yet again to announce that I am looking for a new co-host for WordPress Weekly. David hasn’t been fired or anything like that, but his interests and passions have changed to the point where it doesn’t make sense for him to continue on with the show. I have until episode 80 to find a new co-host or I’ll be doing the show solo until I can find someone to fill the void. Here are the details.

First off, this is not a paid opportunity. However, there have been times where based on performance or just sheer gratitude, I have made a sizable donation to the co-host. The candidate needs to be consistently available Tuesday evenings at 8PM Eastern time. Preferably, the candidate needs to do a good job on their own account to monitor what is going on in the WordPress community. This person also needs some experience with using Google Docs as that is what I use to share the shownotes document.

Benefits with the position include getting the chance to talk with some notable folks in the WordPress community. Also, the co-host always gets an opportunity to announce projects they are working on, sites they run, etc. Not to mention, those who co-host the show for a reasonable amount of time gain notoriety so when you go to a WordCamp, you have a better chance of those in the crowd knowing who you are.

If you are interested in co-hosting the show with me full-time, please get in touch with me and let me know what you have to offer.



8 responses to “Looking For A New Co-Host”

  1. That’s too bad that David is passing the mic, he has always brought another valuable perspective to the show.

    I agree with Conorp that a female perspective could be interesting. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding an awesome cohost!

  2. I thinkyou forgot to mention the co host should speak English clearly:)
    Seriously when I read it, my first thought was “everybody would be laughing at my accent if I started speaking :)”

    Anyway, I am sleeping at that time of the day, so I hope you find a good replacement for David, he was a good element in the show!


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