Listener Poll: Did You Enjoy Going Six Months Without A Major Release Of WordPress?

One conversation point which was brought up time and time again before the core updater was implemented was the release cycle. Quite a few people believed that the cycle was too fast and upgrading all the time was too troublesome. Well, now that we have gone six months without a major release coupled with the fact that we now have a built in upgrader, I thought I’d ask how you feel going six months without a major version to upgrade to.

[poll id=”15″]



5 responses to “Listener Poll: Did You Enjoy Going Six Months Without A Major Release Of WordPress?”

  1. I’m sure this sounds crazy & unrealistic, but I think an ephemeral goal should be to create a Complete, Final, Bug-Free, Totally Stable WordPress (Version: Forever).

    I do understand (from the latest Matt M interview @ WP Weekly podcast, for one citation) that new technologies emerge which should be incorporated, such as when AJAX emerged and became useful for WP, and we all benefit from features being added. Still, on the other hand, when I first installed my first blogging software (WP 1.x years ago), as a n00b, I didn’t realize I would be updating the code many times into the future unendingly. I thought that if I could have a blog that works, then it works, it’s good, it’s complete, stop there and just do the blog writing and need-not worry about the code again. That would be nice if it were real world.

  2. @matt mcinvale – I as well. I’m pretty impressed that we have not seen 2.7.2 yet with the next release looking to be 2.8.

    @Dgold – LOL in a perfect world, you would do well :) however, we don’t live in that world. I mean, you could just as well not upgrade if things are working just fine for you. But, you run the risk of making it harder on yourself when you actually make the decision to upgrade. Now with the built in upgrader, there is certainly no excuse not to be running the latest version of the software.


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