How Will You Configure Auto Updates In WordPress 3.7?

With WordPress 3.7 steadily approaching the release candidate stage with a full release soon after, I thought it would be interesting to poll the audience to determine how you plan on configuring auto updates. There are a couple of things to keep in mind before participating in this poll. WordPress 3.7 and above will only perform automatic updates for security releases by default. Major releases, plugins, and theme upgrades will be disabled but can be configured via constants as explained in the following post. Considering the amount of discussion that took place in September and albeit, some confusion, I’m wondering if some of the opponents of automatic updates are now changing their minds, based on seeing the implementation.

[poll id=”47″]



22 responses to “How Will You Configure Auto Updates In WordPress 3.7?”

  1. I chose that I’d update everything because it’s where I think I’ll eventually end up. At first I’ll likely just auto upgrade security releases. Assuming that works fine, I’ll include major releases, and assuming that works fine I’ll include themes and plugins. My guess is everything is going to work fine and it won’t take too long to be updating everything automatically.

  2. Update all the things! Because I’ve been using Pento’s Automatic Updater plugin for a while now and I really haven’t had any problems with updates. So I’ll just continue getting an email whenever things have updated and not have to press the button time and time again.

  3. I have to admit that initially I was opposed to the idea of automatic background updates. However, now that I’ve had a couple of weeks to really ponder it I’ve changed my mind. :)

    My logic? I think we to owe it to everyone on the interwebs to make sure our sites are as secure as possible. If my site becomes comprised it not only affects me but anyone else who may stop by – and that’s not fair to them, especially when I could have taken steps to minimize that threat.

  4. I’ve thought about this a couple of times and I’ve decided that I’m going to disable automatic updating – not because its a bad idea, but because I have my own systems in place.

    For most people I think it’s fine though. Hopefully it will help to make the internet a little bit more secure by lessening the risk of outdated WordPress installs.

  5. If I never saw another update notification on my personal sites again, I’d be a happy man. Update All The Things.

    For client work, everything is strictly version controlled, but I’m going to experiment with forcing auto updates in my development environment (you can use the ‘auto_upgrade_is_vcs_checkout’ filter to force updates even if your site is under version control) and manually checking those changes into Git which will then make their way to production. It means I get the benefit of auto updates in my development environment, and I still control deploying those updates.

  6. I am against full automatic updates. For anyone here who picked full automatic updates…will you continue to charge your clients the same rate even though WP is doing the updates?

    I have my main site. I am redoing the theme but before that I was blogging at least once or twice a week. It took me no more than 5 minutes to update.

    If it’s taking you long then you should look at deleted any extra themes you have on your site that are not active. Also same thing for plugins and look at the amount of plugins, less plugins = less updates.

    What I worry is for my daily tech gadget reviews…I play with the gadgets/toys then write about them. I usually write the whole week in advance…However in 2013 I started doing the whole month in advance. They all get scheduled in to each day.

    Wasn’t there a fake WordPress version? 2.6.4 or something like that? What if someone hacks into a theme/plugin author’s account on the repository and uploads an ‘infected’ upgrade?

    I am not saying anything bad about the people that check on themes/plugins when they are upgraded but as WP gets popular, there will be more themes/plugins and one could slip in.

    I think it is complete lazyness if you want WordPress to do all 3 updates (core/theme/plugins).

  7. For me, it depends. In 3.7 while the feature is still in its infancy, I plan on rolling auto-updates on everything on my personal blog and sites that I manage for other people. I’ve been beta testing auto-updates since the feature was first pushed into core on my own blog (yeah, I live on the edge). I haven’t had a single issue.

    On business sites that I manage, I’ll disable this feature. I want to make sure everything is in perfect order before updating and wouldn’t want to run the risk, however minimal, of something going wrong when I’m not around to fix it.

    Automatic updates will make things much easier for me though. I manage many WordPress installs for friends and family. Some of them already handle their own updates with the “one-click” updater, but this will be even better. I pretty much won’t have to do anything for them at all except for making sure I don’t break the server.

    I think some of those of us who are or have been hesitant about auto-updates were around back in the day when WordPress updates actually did break sites. Several years ago, WordPress completely messed up my database on an update. Of course, I had a backup and was able to restore from it. For anyone who has ever had that or something similar happen, the idea of automatic updates is a bit terrifying.

  8. Reading about the auto-update and the NexGen fiasco that broke so much more than the plugin made me throw up a little in the back of my mouth. And then the client will call me upset that something’s not working, and I won’t know what update of another plugin broke it. (NexGen broke the TinyMCE editor for me).

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