Gutenberg 3.5.0 Released

Gutenberg 3.5.0 is available for download and polishes existing features. This release adds an edit button to embed blocks that allows users to edit the source URL.

Edit URL Button on Embed Blocks

The contrast has been increased for input fields and check boxes have visually more distinct states as the following video shows.

More Distinct States for Check boxes

One notable change is the addition of a warning that displays if Cloudflare blocks REST API requests. This issue was reported last September and it turns out that the PUT request is sometimes blocked by Cloudflare.

Gary Pendergast reached out to Cloudflare and the company deployed a fix earlier this week.

To see a full list of changes in this release, check out the changelog.



13 responses to “Gutenberg 3.5.0 Released”

  1. Wasn’t sure if I should post this here or in the previous post “Gutenberg Plugin Garners Mixed Reactions from New Wave of Testers” but thought I would post it here being as my comment is relates to v3.5.0

    I’ve been playing with Gutenberg again (this time with version 3.5.0) and even though I am not a fan, I realized one thing in particular that annoys me is the layout. Everything is spread out and hidden and too many clicks are required.

    I decided to explore possible alternatives to make elements stay in view but easier access. Just a couple layout/style options…


    I also included blocks from the Atomic Blocks theme (which I tried with this) on the top bar to go with the core blocks.

    • I’m not sure that pulling out the block selection into a wider menu is necessarily a good idea. I do see where you’re going with this, but really, after using it a bit, and learning what blocks exist, then it’s much faster on a new block to just type the slash / character and then type in the name of the block you want to use.

      Sure, having the list of blocks fully visible and categorized up top has its initial benefits, but after the learning phase, you kinda just end up searching for the specific one you want anyway. Having a big menu isn’t quite as fast as searching by name when you’re using what is essentially a text editor. You’re already typing, switching to the mouse is slower.

      If the list of blocks grows through plugins adding them and such, then a big menu becomes more difficult and unmanageable. I realize the list of categories is fixed at present, but heck, look at how many plugins want to add their own top level menus and such. You think plugins won’t be adding categories too, and wanting their own top level menu items? An interface cannot have both everything visible and also be indefinitely expandable.

      • Having to search just means more work and more clicks. Note that even with the classic editor, there are/were drop downs of options for various elements. This is really no different with current themes and plugins that add their own functions to the editor.

      • Andre, That’s sort of my point. Having large numbers of menus with drop-downs isn’t a good thing. The classic editor isn’t a good thing. Adding them back doesn’t make sense, when the main idea is to do away with them and have more limited, but better context sensitive choices, instead.

  2. I’m with Andre- I’m also not a fan.
    I train people to use WordPress. Gutenburg is being pushed as an easier way to create a more modular site. I’m not seeing this as an “easy” option for my clients. Click ‘n’ drag is great, but if you have to click 17 times (yes, an exaggeration) to get to the block you need, then it seems defeating to those who are already struggling to learn WordPress.

    • I read your other comment, and the reply there. I never even considered mobile, and that seems to be a valid consideration to me.

      Admittedly, they need block drag and drop to work properly as well if mobile is a serious concern. So, that’s another must-have, I feel. Blocks probably need some kind of handles to grip them by, somehow, to drag them around properly.

  3. Statement from WordPress public community rep Birgit Pauli-Haack (@bph) in Gutenberg plug-in reviews:

    29 minutes ago
    I don’t feel there is a massive outcry. There are over 120,000 Active Installs. That early in the life cycle of this plugin is a good size of people are providing feedback and the amount of issues is growing everyday on GitHub. There are plenty of people who use it. A mere 0.8 people left reviews, a big chunk of the 1-star reviews are from a group of angry, I don’t like change group.

    The reviews of Gutenberg also reflect the five stages of grief we all got through when dealing with major change: Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining and Acceptance. Some people bounce between Bargaining (keep as plugin) and Anger (I hate it). And some people get past it without ever updating their review they wrote six or seven month ago.

    All the power to those who want to fork WordPress. It’s a massive undertaking when in reality the adjustment to Gutenberg for a developer is supported by a huge amount of WordPress support people, plugin & theme developers, teachers, consultants and WordCamp and Meetup organizers.

    If you think a transition to Gutenberg is hard, wait until people see the amount of work that it takes to make a successful fork of WordPress that won’t have the army of volunteers around anymore. Especially, when all that is needed is a couple of days reading through the documentation, connect with the Gutenberg developers on Slack channel and get your plugin compatible with Gutenberg.

    • Once again we have another Gutenberg PR rep dismissing negative reviews as people afraid of change, not matter how many well-written, detailed reviews they receive.

      This echoes Samuel Wood’s sentiment of “get on the train or get run over”.

      It appears as if all Gutenberg people are fully on the train, but who can blame them? Their incomes are dependent on doing Matt’s wishes.

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