Friday Happy Hour For 2-27-09

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Welcome to the WordPress Tavern Friday Happy Hour. Each Friday, this post will provide a summary of what is going on within the WordPress Tavern Community.

From The Forum:

WordPress Mailing List Issues – Jacob Santos informs us of some issues that have recently taking place on the WordPress Hackers mailing list. Jacob gives us his perception on what the mailing lists are supposed to be used for.

Has WordPress Run Its Course? – Andrew Rickmann is back starting conversations again as he wonders if WordPress has run its course in terms of user contributions.

htaccess oddness – Andrew Rickmann reports on some strange oddities that he is experiencing with his .htaccess file causing his site to go offline every once in awhile. David Peralty chimes in with a possible culprit.

Taxes – We hate filing them, we hate paying them, but you have to report and file them. This thread is all about tips and tricks related to taxes and your own business.

Welcoming Party:

I’d like to thank the following new members for joining WordPress Tavern forum. (Mary, PressClub, ryanimel, PetLvr, theresac, trent, johnnytee, cobblucas)

Other News And Tidbits:

As you can see, WPTavern is sporting a new color scheme. This one is not so dark and so far, many people have expressed their appreciation for the new design. I still have some touching up to do but this is what the site will look like for some time to come.

I’m currently working with OIO Publisher to get things up and running and although I’ve been making promises for weeks about getting it online, things just keep getting in my way. Perhaps this will be the weekend to get stuff done.

Also, it looks like I’m slowly getting back into the groove of hammering out content for the site. Don’t be surprised to sometimes see four, five, or six posts in a given day. There is alot of stuff that happens in the WordPress community and I intend to cover as much of it as possible.


That wraps up this installment of the Friday Happy Hour. Come back next week for yet another overview as to what is happening around the Tavern. Remember, the drinks are always on the house!



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