Automattic Releases wp-now: A Local Development Environment Powered by WordPress Playground

Automattic has published a new project called wp-now that creates a local development environment in seconds. The tool is a NodeJS app that is powered by WordPress Playground, an experimental project that uses WebAssembly (WASM) to run WordPress in the browser.

wp-now allows developers to quickly spin up a new WordPress site with their chosen theme and then open it in the browser automatically logged in as admin without having to enter any credentials. It uses the SQLite Database Integration plugin for its database and developers can quickly swap out versions of PHP and WordPress for testing.

Automattic software engineer Antonio Sejas explained how it works:

When you use wp-now from a directory, we create a php-wasm instance, download the selected WordPress version and mount the necessary directories in a virtual file system (VFS). Then, we initiate a NodeJS express server that listens and proxies all requests to the php-wasm. As a result, wp-now can easily log you into WordPress automatically, activate plugins and themes, and automatically configure your WordPress site.

wp-now can be installed directly from npm. It works across all platforms (Mac, Linux, and Windows). Although it doesn’t support custom domains or SSL yet, Automattic has it on the roadmap. wp-now contributors are also looking at auto detecting when a file is modified and automatically refreshing the browser, importing a database from another WordPress site, and adding a deploy feature for SSH/SFTP hosting, among other features.



15 responses to “Automattic Releases wp-now: A Local Development Environment Powered by WordPress Playground”

  1. Hmm, I am also interested to know the real target for this setup. I find it hard to see this being something that can be used for real serious plugin development without key tools like linting & code quality tools. IMO, the point a spinning up a development environment is to have all of the tools.

    I also have serious concerns about this WASM-based PHP being 100% compatible, and feature complete, with real PHP running on a server or in a container. Are we really going to return to the days of “it works on my machine”?

  2. Hello Daniel,

    First of all I was manual worker of wordpress. It was very tough for me to understand the wordpress. And I had a project to do in wordpress, 😆
    Adding AI to our workspace works amazing for me. There was AI enter in the field of website creation when we shift manual code typing to using Templates. 😃
    Before it making a website was a very tough job. I can remember once I wanted to create a website and was stuck for two hours in first introduction section only. though it was new for me as adding that section, it was sticky header section. 😃
    AI now becoming part and parcel of life. I have inserted and used AI in my website On this site, I have generated laptop motherboard diagrams using AI.
    I have created my main theme with power with AI.

    You a free version for NGOs? As I know some NGO’s cant afford it.

    Prasad Bakare

  3. A lot of negativity, and a lack of vision, in these comments.

    I just used wp-now to spin up a WordPress install in seconds, tested the functionality of a 3rd-party plugin and then destroyed it. That’s amazing!

    • I think the point is, most already have a tool for doing such things. What does adding yet another tool that gets the same result buy us? How does this new tool help us serve clients better?

      I think we all get what the features are. The question is, what are the benefits? And on top of that, if the benefits aren’t significant, what is the opportunity cost of wp-now?

  4. How does this compare to Local on macOS for local WordPress development? Local is quite easy for me. I’m not familiar with VFS and npm. I think if they want many people to be excited about this, they need to educate them on how to set it up and use it. A video would be best.

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