Win WordCamp Chicago Tickets

In episode 49 of WordPress Weekly, I announced that the first person to give me the correct answer to the trivia question would win a free ticket to WordCamp Chicago. So far, no one has submitted an answer to the question. So with that said, if no one answers the question by the time the next episode airs, I will up the ante to two tickets. That is two tickets to WordCamp Chicago. These tickets were graciously donated to me to give away as prizes via Margaret Roach of Here is the trivia question:

What is the name of the software which is an enterprise edition based off of WordPress? Hint: stores all of its information in a set number of database tables meaning it has a normalized schema.

Update JLeuze has correctly identified the answer. Please see his comment here.



9 responses to “Win WordCamp Chicago Tickets”

  1. @JLeuze – Thank you for playing and listening to the show. By the way, do you know off hand any plugins that enable me to create a scorecard of sorts? Thinking of doing a WordPress trivia game where at the end of the year, the person with the most points wins a big prize.

  2. @Jeffro – WP Weekly always starts my weekend out right :)

    That’s an awesome idea. I guess you would need some kind of chart or graph. Something like Tally Graph might work, you could count the points per person, but I’m not sure if it would consolidate all the winners together into one chart.

    Or you could use something like Google Charts and use a plugin to embed that into the site. I have had good results doing that.


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