Listener Poll: Do You Know The Difference Between And

Just out of curiosity, I’m wondering how many of you out there know the difference between the two? In a recent article, Mark Jaquith commented on the fact that he sometimes hears people describe WordPress as feature limited when really they are talking about the hosted version of WordPress, that being There is no such thing as a limited feature version of WordPress and this is where the idea comes in that may be hurting

[poll id=”18″]



9 responses to “Listener Poll: Do You Know The Difference Between And”

  1. I’ve actually never used, I’ve been on self hosted ever since I first used WP a few years ago, so I have no idea how limited its features may or may not be. All the same, you are right, and WordPress is far from limited feature wise; I don’t think I’ve ever seen a concept go unresolved.

    ps. Isn’t the expression “one and the same”?
    .-= ´s last blog ..Get Posts With Same Custom Field VALUE As Current Post =-.

  2. Thanks guys for chiming in. The purpose of this poll was just to see if people knew the difference or not. I knew going in what the results would most likely be but hey, what the heck. Glad to see I was right in at least the people that follow this site know the difference between the two.

  3. @Jeffro – What is now left is to educate the thousands of others about the difference of the two :p
    I’m starting preaching the vast differences of WordPress.Com and WordPress.Org here by sorting things out with people who flame about WordPress(.Com) because they cannot ad their own advertisements while other WordPress(.Org) Users have their own advertisements displayed wherever and however they like. (LOL)

  4. @Kevin Paquet – This is an ongoing thing that those in the know must continue to do until the branding has changed for one or the other, something which is not likely to happen anytime soon. There are plenty of blog posts summarizing the differences between and but for the most part, I don’t remember seeing this information on either of the or sites. Maybe that would help?


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