Get 3.0 While It’s Hot

Today is the day many within the WordPress community have been waiting for. The release of WordPress 3.0. The new release contains menu management, a new default theme, custom post types and taxonomies, bulk upgrader, multi-site capabilities and more. Michael Pick produced a short video summary of the new features in 3.0 that is worth watching.

There are a couple of things that I find interesting regarding the release of 3.0. The first is what the immediate future holds. Instead of going right to work on WordPress 3.1, the team will be taking three months off to get together in smaller teams to work on everything surrounding the WordPress project which is something that has been needed for a few years now. The second is just how many different individuals ended up in the Props section of the release post. Many of the names I recognize but there are quite a few that I don’t which is a good thing.

I’m proud to acknowledge the contributions of the following 218 people to the 3.0 release cycle. These are the folks that make WordPress what it is, whose collaboration and hard work enable us to build something greater than the sum of our parts

While the core of WordPress will be getting a small break, I’m looking forward to everything Otto will be doing for Here’s to hopefully seeing truly becoming the epicenter of all things WordPress.



4 responses to “Get 3.0 While It’s Hot”

  1. It’s wrong, but I didn’t notice there were names credited until you posted. So I went and looked and then snickered when I saw my own name. I feel all extra nerdy.

    If you have time and want to volunteer, the forums are teeming with people needing help following the upgrade.


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