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Who is this anonymous fellow “kingofnyct” who, six months after my article was published, turns up to post a rant in the WPTavern discussion and THREE increasingly deranged rants in the WPMayor discussion?

I mean, seriously, what extremes of loneliness, procrastination and mania would have to possess a man to cause him to waste hours of his life, his precious irreplaceable life, tapping the same misinformed drivel into multiple websites?

There are many angles that one could take to question a prediction looking ten years ahead, and many here made good points (six months ago), but it is hilarious that this moron doesn’t realise that most of the major WordPress hosts are actually built on the cloud he considers so unsuitable :D

Also hilarious that he thinks Amazon is about to close down AWS, their most profitable and fastest-growing division with over $1 billion in annual profit.

All of that pales into insignificance, however, when set against the personal tragedy of this poor, bewildered man, driven to pontificate but unable to squeeze out rational thoughts without spasmodically adding completely irrelevant buzzwords such as IOT and big data.

Initially funny but, ultimately, a bleak warning of the perils of not having friends to hang out with on a Friday night.


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