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Dan Cole

@Ben Cook – It’s perfectly acceptable to have the opinion that people are licensing their software for a reason. My conclusion is that its mainly for personal reasons and not for the benefit of the individual customers. My opinion doesn’t address anyone in particular and doesn’t demand that they change their ways or give up what they love.

On the other hand, criticizing people directly is not okay. I don’t support people creating a list of everything someone has done wrong and then attacking them. (I don’t want to suggest that’s what your doing, Ben, just a general thought I wanted to point out.)

I think it’s perfectly fine to criticise a decision that has been made on the behalf of the community. But I would want that author to backup his criticism with facts and show how the pros don’t out weight the cons. We can’t expect everything people do to be acceptable and as such, we need to discourage what’s going to hurt the community in the long run.

The WordCamp rules re-enforce the license that WordPress is founded on, which is a user-centric license (vs. an author-centric license). It keeps licensing simple for non-technical users and promotes developers who put the needs of the community first. Many companies that part of the WordPress community work just fine with the GPL and get along just fine with each other, as well as with the WordPress community. There are quite a few companies that have donated time, code, or other things to the WordPress community. Which would make a great post for the WPTavern, hint hint.


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