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Nick Haskins

I work with WordPress daily, in the mountains of NC. I fluctuate between the kitchen table, and my downstairs office which is a table that can be lowered or raised to sitting or standing position. I typically work in a standing position, and have for the last several years. As far as gear, I work solely on a 13″ Retina MBP, and I occasionally hook up to a 27″ Apple Display if I need to see how a site is behaving on a larger resolution.

I used to work using (3) 24″ monitors, but have since trained myself to be completely dependent on just my MBP, and over the years have learned that “less is more.” I’ve found that the more screens, the less productive you actually are, since those other screens hold useless apps like Tweetdeck, Facebook, movies with cats, etc.

My local is MAMP Pro + Tower. At my job we utilize Composer for dependencies. I’m a big fan of using hotkeys for app switching, and will work in full screen mode for the majority of the day.


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