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Jason Rox

Hi there,

Of course I have read your post and enjoyed it. I confess I am by no means an expert but do know a lot more than the average Joe. I never describe myself as an expert, guru or even indeed geek. Though my wife calls me geeky.

I took note in your opening about how getting kids involved in the development part would be far more beneficial for them than wasting thousands of $ or £ in my case on college fees. I always encourage my son to develop his skills in this area. I fear that too many kids these days are being forced into college with the false belief it will help them to a great career. I know many graduates that are working in the so called McJobs for minimum pay with a massive loan to pay back for their universite education. Good point. No I would say an excellent point to make.

Secondly I took note of the point where you mention items of a private matter end up on the “public” side of the site. I am working on a site at the moment for a small hotel. I took over the site a couple of weeks back and sure enough I pointed out to them that their staff rota was there for the whole world to see. Not only was the staff rota there it was in a frame from Google Docs. I guess this is quite a security lapse?!? I deleted the page. Their site is a nightmare as it has not been set up correctly and rather than using “Categories” they now have 50 odd pages…. As said I am not an expert but a mere amature who is now banging his head off the desk at this hotel site…

Lastly I would say you are a great poet?!? You might think “What are you on about you mad man!!!” Well I only say this as WordPress logo states “code is poetry” and I imagine you are great at code…

Have a good day Jason


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