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Mario Peshev

Thanks for the great comment, and I definitely agree about the “wild, wild west” remark. I remember when I attended a talk about unit testing a couple of years ago at a major WordCamp and everyone was stoked and speechless at the end, even though it’s practically mandatory in many communities such as the Ruby one.

The fact that the vast majority of the service providers are amateurs – i.e. not practical education or experience in a real industry – is one of the reasons why we don’t have a solid foundation when it comes to best practices or conventions. And while marketers or hobbyists offer professional web development services instead of focusing on their own niche, we wouldn’t proactively move forward.

P.S. I don’t mind any legal industry or profession and I have respect for people who are just starting and are passionate about learning the basics. But I wouldn’t tolerate people misleading clients by offering services beyond their understanding, endangering their businesses and harming the global reputation of WordPress as a platform and a community.


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