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Peter Knight (@peterrknight)

I think the consensus is clear that what the customizer makes possible is a huge leap forward. It’s hard to mold out a new UI without encountering difficulties.

Some of the strengths of the dedicated areas in the Admin are not showing up in the customizer, like the ability to add a lot of help text to explain settings for example.

Right now depending on the theme you use, the customizer panel will have different sections, so there’s not a lot of consistency on a site to site basis. Everytime it will be a mix of the default sections WordPress adds in and the ones being added in by plugins and themes.

I think bundling more and more settings into the customizer maybe is pointing out something that would even more sense…

Instead of making the customizer a destination, make it a mode that can uniquely enhance every admin settings page.

Being able to bring up the customizer from anywhere in the admin UI, with only contextual controls showing up instead of the whole kitchen sink. The widget customizer screen already does a great job of this.

So if you’re composing a post, you could go in customizer mode and interact with a real live preview.

If you’re in the menu screen, you could get a real live preview of the menu as you modify things.

If you’re adding widgets, you can jump into the customizer mode straight from the widgets page, instead of navigating to the customizer.

If you’re changing layouts for your theme, you’d go there from a theme settings area.

But each time, the controls that show up are purely related to the task at hand.

Right now I use the customizer all the time for setting theme layout/colors/font and adding widgets. Other settings areas like setting the Site title and tagline are set and forget. There’s no reason I’d need to see in the menu on every visit.


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