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Carl Hancock

Props to the team that quickly approved the merger despite the overwhelming negative feedback? I’m all for sticking to your guns. But in this case the negative feedback was overwhelming in nature. It seems odd to me that it was approved so quickly given the uproar.

I agree that the Customizer COULD be a better experience. But right now it is not.

Fragmenting even more of the admin between the traditional Dashboard and the Customizer UI is flat out poor user interface design. It’s inconsistent and makes WordPress look like a frankenstein of a solution.

A Customizer style UI, and I say customizer style because the “Customizer” is slowly becoming not just the customizer but the admin, can most certainly work. But not as it behaves right now. It has it’s own issues.

WordPress needs to decide if the way the Customizer does things is the future of the WordPress admin as a whole, or not. If it is NOT then the Customizer needs to stick to just addressing theme style customizations. If it IS then a major overhaul needs to take place that rolls out the customizer style UI as the defacto admin for WordPress as a whole… and roll it out all at once. NOT piecemeal with a little piece of functionality as a whole, splitting things up between the old Dashboard and the new Customizer.

The issue isn’t the style UI used by the Customizer. Squarespace has proven that this approach to admin UI can most definitely work. But Squarespace’s implementation is FAR more elegant and well done than the customizer UI in WordPress right now.

I do think that WordPress should move towards that style UI for the entire admin. But I do NOT think it should be done a little piece at a time which just makes WordPress admin look like a mess and will do nothing but confuse users… the vast majority of whom are EXTREMELY non-technical and have difficulty doing even the most basic of tasks.

I think it needs to go all in, work on overhauling the entire admin into a customizer UI style interface the way Squarespace has and then roll it out as a major feature release after working with the development community, as well as a major campaign to prepare users for such a change.

WordPress needs to shit or get off the pot when it comes to the customizer UI.


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