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Chip Bennett

1. WordPress is more of a framework and Themes are more wrappers over it.

2. There is no separation between theme and logic of that framework…

This really isn’t true.

WordPress has an API for extensions, but uses two separate means for extension: Themes and Plugins. To be sure, both use the same actions/filters (Hooks) API, but they are intended for two different purposes: Themes define presentation of the front-end, and Plugins define functionality.

Is the differentiation perfect? Not by a mile. But the differentiation is distinct enough to work.

The biggest problems surface when a Theme is developed to include functional, rather than presentational, output. Because both Themes and Plugins have access to the same Hooks API (though a Theme only has access to a subset of those hooks, due to the processing order), a Theme is capable of including almost any functionality that a Plugin includes. But ability is not the same as propriety.

There are areas of overlap (custom post types/taxonomies, drag-drop “builder” Theme UI, etc.), but 95% of issues can be resolved by proper segregation of presentation and functionality.


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