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Auto-updating is the equivalent to a communist country. If people don’t update, it’s their own fault if something happens. HOWEVER…if you DO have auto-update there is one VERY BIG ISSUE…plugin, theme & WP core compatibility. With autoupdate, if there was a coding conflict between your plugins, theme and WP core your site would break and you wouldn’t know about it.

So auto-update enabled, it updates, a conflict occurs…and your site is broke. But you don’t know because it was an auto update. Even if you get notified when it updates, you still have a broken website until you go and debug it. Whats more, you HAVE to debug and fix it right away. If you sandbox your site and test an update, you can (at your leisure) work out the issue and fix it before going live with the update. But auto-updates…NO, you have to fix it then and there else all your site visitors have a BROKEN experience.

BAD idea and a WP communist ideology.


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