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Angus McKinnon

Hi Emil, I booked it a couple of weeks ago under a different name and Justin has already completed the task. I was VERY happy with the feedback. Lots of tips and insights that improved things, but more importantly he identified and helped patch a few security gaps I had missed. The theme was a complete custom from loop-up (no starter themes / frameworks etc) one I had made for myself so this was the best way I could get some expert feedback without submitting via a theme review. Had run it through the various w3c tests, wp-debug, and a couple of theme check plugins first with all passing and Justin still found things to improve. The biggest insight for me was that a lot of the wordpress developers probably come from a general coding / php type background who can technically make things work, but the big difference with what you guys provide is knowing how to do things the WordPress way and knowing the codex backwards and being able to better leverage what comes out of the box so to speak. Great service, thoroughly recommend it.


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