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Tulio K. Cardozo (@TulioKCardozo)

Hey Sarah!

Been a reader for a while now, first time commenting.

Thanks for the heads up on this. I’m a part-time educator (full-time developer elsewhere) teaching WordPress and web design at my local probation office in San Francisco to young adults and any community members that drop in.

It’s always been a challenge to get configurations on the workstations right, especially so with GIT.

This really seems like it would be a tool that could come in extremely handy in the sense that the students whom typically are homeless or can’t afford computers, could totally be able to pick up and continue on their project at a local library or any other computer outside of the classroom.

Although Koding is an excellent product, from experience, having tutorials available within a few clicks and without having to remember a less than intuitive URL is always a big plus. It’ll actually get used!

I just want to say, Thank You!

Your post help fill the gaps where knowledge and time and an ever-growing list of services don’t always find each other.

Thank You,


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