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Dan Knauss

This is really sad, terrible behavior, and I want to know who the perpetrators are so I don’t even unwittingly support them, but I also want to know that is a fair conclusion that has been handed down and accepted by all involved. And until that happens, it’s just red meat, gossip, distraction, and needless collateral damage.

While they’re all entirely different ethically and legally, actions like harassment, business sabotage, and gross negligence or deceit — really any illegal business practices, regardless of intent — all call for legal remedies. “Calling people out” (naming names) prematurely — before there has been a public admission from the person/company or a court filing that is public record — is not “mean.” It may be unethical. Mainly it is just stupid, not just because the initial allegations might be wrong (and libelous or defamatory) but because the reaction generated will surely derail any legitimate issues into libel/defamation claims, infighting and gossip, etc. It will maximize the negative impact for the greatest number of people and minimize the likelihood of achieving a just outcome.

Once an issue is settled legally or in the process of litigation, if it’s a matter of public record then it’s available for public discussion and ideally some informed, fair-minded analysis. With the continued professionalization of the WordPress ecosystem, this is the way things inevitably will go. Throwing out red meat prematurely, even (especially!) when there are smoking guns and bodies on the ground, is the wrong way to go if we want to protect people with justice rather than angry internet vigilantism.


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